Here are Admin features I would love:

1. admin can search users by
a.username, email, name
b. datefirstsigned up
c. date of last visit

or a combo of a, b and c where one can leaving a field blank
(For instance username blank and joined 5/5 would generate all users who
signed up since 5/5---searing fo rusername tom with all other fiels blank would produce only tom)

2. Having generated the list of users
a.admin can select users to
a.send private messages
b. send email
c. delete
d.change record
e. billing

haha e- is formembership based forums--
It would allow the admin to set the following
1. set or change Free trial period, warning notice send date,
Grace period,Grace pertiod notice send date, delete user date.
copies of warning letters would go to administrator
who could log into program and select paid or extend grace to stop or postphone deletiobn of member

(the program would keep track of dates people enter and make administration easy)
This is a feature I'd go nuts for:>