In forums where all registered users can read, start topics and reply, but non-registered can only read:

Currently, if a person browsing the forum isn't registered (or not logged in), the post button isn't a link, even though you can see it. In a topic, the reply button also doesn't work.

What I'm proposing is having the links work, but go to a different page than the newpost.php or newreply.php pages. Instead have the person go to a page that looks like an amalgam of newuser.php and newpost.php/newreply.php. At the top of the page they have to put in a username, password (twice) and a valid email address. I let people pick their password on sign-up.

Beneath that is the box for the subject of the topic or reply and underneath that is the text area with the message and beneath that instant graemlins, instant ubb code, etc. Finally at the bottom is the submit button. Beneath the submit button is the "Remember me on each visit" box from login.php, checked by default.

Then the system would check the username they've picked against the database to make sure it's available. If not, they have to pick another. If the username they pick isn't already registered, the post or reply gets sent and they get signed up. Another plus is that they are automatically logged in as well and can continue posting. This way they instantly participate and also get the greeting instant message. By enabling the remember me cookie on sign up, they won't have to go through the trouble of logging in again when using the same computer. Obviously, this could also be a bad thing for people using public computers.

what do you think of this idea?

This I figure could get rid of anonoymous (check for spelling <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> ) posts and replace them w/ real users who can then post and start a post count. They can also then get information from the communtiy in communtiy emails.