not sure how this works or if its even possible on ubb.threads, however... my web hosts' message boards (located here) have this neat little aspect where you can simply hilight text and click on B to make it bold.

not sure if that fully explains it <img src="" alt="" />

here, for example, while im typing something in this little post box, if i wanted to make a word bold, id have to click on the little BOLD link, below, and enter my words in the little javascript box.

there, however, while im typing, i just highlight whatever text i want bold, then click on the "bold" link, and it automatically applies the code.

the same is true of the other related tags.

quoting is even cooler, as you can simply hilite whatever text you want of someone else's post, click quote, and it does the same sorta automatic job.

izzat a possibility?