Hi, Just checking before I commit myself to a lot of lengthy typing...
Do we have a general manual laid out with basic instructions for admins and mods?
Here's an example of what I mean...
9. Create a group
In Discus and Discus Pro, user accounts allow privileges to post and read messages and various other settings such as e-mail notification, and in Discus Pro, preferences, additional personal information, picture, signatures, and favorite topics.
Each user account belongs to one or more group. Think of a group as a "container" for user accounts. The group itself is not associated with any particular topic on the board....
To create a group to hold your users:
o Click the "Group Manager" link from the "Administrator Tools" section of the administration main menu to bring up a list of all groups on your board (which at this point is likely to be empty).
o Click the "Add Group" tab at the top of the screen to access the group addition screen.
o Enter a name for the group to be created, using 1-15 alphanumeric characters. For the purpose of this tutorial, name the group "public".
o Click the "Add this Group" button. You will return to the group addition screen with a confirmation message that the group was created.
o Click the "Groups" tab to return to the group list. The group "public" should now show up on the list of groups.
10. Create a moderator account
As the board administrator, you have the ability to create moderator accounts in order to delegate the main administrative responsibilities to others. You also have the ability to define precisely what topics and groups of users that each moderator can edit (more on this later). To create your moderator:
o Click the "Moderator Manager" link from the "Administrator Tools" section of the administration main menu to bring up a list of all moderators on your board (which at this point is likely to be only yourself).
o Click the "Add Moderator" tab at the top of the screen to access the moderator addition screen.
o Enter a username and password, and optionally an e-mail address and/or a full name, for the moderator you wish to create. For the purposes of this tutorial, give the moderator a username of "buddy". We leave it to you to decide on the password.
o Click the "Add this Moderator" button. You will return to the moderator addition screen with a confirmation message that the moderator was created.
o Click the "Moderators" tab to return to the moderator list. The moderator "buddy" should now show up on the list of moderators.
11. Optional: Log in as buddy
At this time, we recommend that new users log in as the moderator "buddy", created in the previous step. To do this, click the "Log In Again" link from the "Navigation" section of the....
I know that was a lengthy example, but this is something close to what I need to post in my admin private forums for detailed training and also for the moderators. The "users" will probably need to be babied also.
I've checked the newsletters but most info is based on previous board versions. I'll keep checking the forum here also, but I'm at work and can't play to long without chancing getting caught!
Have any suggestions or can you direct me where these manuals might be? I know, I'm asking a lot. Just trying to cut down on some of my next week's typing.