First thing I am a total newbie to Php and Mysql, and this is the error I am getting when I run the createtable.php via browser: Creating the tables...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Board table created...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Posts table created...
Adding a master poll table...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Adding the poll results table...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Last viewed table created...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Category table created...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Users table created...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Moderator table created...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Messages table created...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Banned table created...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Groups table createdSeeya! No Database Selected: 1046Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Basic groups created...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Online table created...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046Subscribe table created...
Creating table for the address book...
Seeya! No Database Selected: 1046
All tables created. I checked the config file and I believe everything is set up properly (not sure though).
This is the part of the file for you to have a look <?
// Database Variables // What type of database are you running
// current options
// mysql, (postgres, sybase are available but untested)
$config['dbtype'] = "mysql"; // Server hosting the database
$config['dbserver'] = "localhost"; // Username that has permissions to the database
$config['dbuser'] = "flashtribute"; // Password for the database
$config['dbpass'] = "fla926"; // Name of the database
$config['dbname'] = "db1.mdb"; // If you are using mysql do you want to use persistent connections?
// Note that on some hosted servers you may not be allowed to do this
// so contact your host before setting this to "on"
// Options: "on" - Use persistent: "off" - Don't use persistent
$config['persistent'] = "on"; My host told me I need a db like access or similar, is he right? I looked all over the forums but have found no solution.
Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I don't think you can have a period in your database name. That would be the first thing I would try is create a database without the . and change the file to match and try again.
I renamed the database without the . but still doesn't work, I am sure I am doing something wrong but dunno what... Is my host write in telling that the database can be like an access database? or can it be a simple text file? I am new to it and I have no idea... Thanks for your help
What database engine are you using? MySQL, Access, or what? If you're trying to use Access (which I gleaned from your .mdb name), then I believe you're SOL. Hell, if this package was able to talk MS SQL, I'd have purchased it for another org that I am in charge of forums for...I *hate* ASP based forums...this is a nice engine. If you have MySQL set up, you need to create a database and give permissions to the user you configured for the forums (mine defaulted to 'nobody'). bryan
I am using Access because that's what my host told me to do, but I know the server runs Mysql and that's what I want to use, but the thing is probably that I am not sure on how do I create the database and my host doesn't really know what is talking about...
Ah, you do need to use mysql. Mysql is the only supported database at this time with the PHP version. I don't believe you will be able to create the database yourself on a hosted server. The host needs to just run the mysqladmin command to create the database for you and then mysql_setpermission to set the permissions. Fairly easy, and if they offer mysql then this should be a standard setup for them.