I was upgrading from the trial version and got the error below when I ran altertable-demo-5.5.php. How can I fix this?
Warning: Failed opening '/home/virtual/what/home/httpd/html/ubbthreads/languages/english/generic.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/virtual/what/home/httpd/html/ubbthreads/ubbt.inc.php on line 98
Adding auxillary info to online table...
SQL ERROR: Unable to do_query: ALTER TABLE w3t_Online ADD O_Extra varchar(200), ADD O_Read varchar(255)
Altering the posts table to better designate main topic posts (Speed improvement)...
SQL ERROR: Unable to do_query: ALTER TABLE w3t_Posts ADD B_Topic INT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ADD B_Convert varchar(1) default 'markup', ADD B_Signature text, ADD B_LastEdit INT(9) UNSIGNED, ADD B_LastEditBy varchar(64) , ADD INDEX topic_ndx (B_Topic,B_Board), ADD INDEX w3t_Postsindex10 (B_Board(10),B_Topic)
Re-indexing the main topics for each board...
Altering Users table to allow for thread age display preference...
SQL ERROR: Unable to do_query: ALTER TABLE w3t_Users ADD U_ActiveThread INT(4) UNSIGNED, ADD U_StartPage varchar(2) DEFAULT 'cp', ADD U_Favorites varchar(250) DEFAULT '-', ADD U_ShowSigs varchar(3), ADD U_OnlineFormat varchar(3)
Creating the table to store favorites and reminders...
SQL ERROR: Unable to do_query: CREATE TABLE w3t_Favorites( F_Number INT(9) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, F_Thread INT(9) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, F_Owner varchar(250) NOT NULL, F_LastPost INT(4) UNSIGNED, F_Type varchar(1) ,INDEX FAV_indx1 (F_Owner) )
Creating the table to store posts that a moderator has been notified on...
SQL ERROR: Unable to do_query: CREATE TABLE w3t_ModNotify( M_Number INT(9) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ,INDEX modnotif_indx1 (M_Number) )
Adding a field to store the default aged threads to display on a per boa rd basis... SQL ERROR: Unable to do_query: ALTER TABLE w3t_Boards ADD Bo_ThreadAge INT(4) UNSIGNED, ADD Bo_Poster varchar(64), ADD Bo_Reply_Perm varchar(250) DEFAULT '-3-4-'
Alterting the boards table to better store the moderatorsSQL ERROR: Unable to do_query: ALTER TABLE w3t_Boards ADD Bo_Moderators text