Ok guys and gals. Our next version is slated to have User blogs. The version after that is slated for the UI overhaul where we'll redo the entire layout, skinning, adding updated Javascript libraries, etc. We'll stick with that if everyone wants to go that route, but here's the dilemma.
If we do blogs first and then the UI second, when we redo the UI we'll have to pretty much redo the blogs as well. Since the javascript, layout, etc. will all be changing.
If we were to do the UI first, then when we do the blogs we'll already have the new javascript libraries in place, the layout will be settled upon, etc. So, this would be the quickest overall method since there would be no backtracking.
But, the final decision will be yours. We've promised blogs for awhile now, so if you don't want to wait, then vote that way.
NOTE: Adding this on edit. If we do the UI first it will put off the blogs for awhile. The UI update will be a huge process. It might even be broken down into Control Panel first and front end second. So, if you're dying for blogs, take that into consideration.
NOTE #2: As of Nov, 23rd, blogs won, so this will be the route we'll go
Which comes first single choice
Blogs First! (50%, 67 Votes)
UI First! (50%, 66 Votes)
Total Votes: 133 Voting on this poll ends: 11/10/200810:23 AM
.... I bought a 3rd UBB license as it was said many tines that the blogs were coming shortly. I also bought an upgrade license for another copy as to have two UBB communities running blogs.
Looks like by the time the blogs come out I'm going to have to spend more money for upgrade licenses to get what I really wanted in the first place.
I understand your intent and need to upgrade the CP but hell man I'm loosing money here. Lets get out what you were saying your were coming out with.
I totally understand. We've been promising just as long that we'd have a better UI and new/updated Javascript libraries. Either way, one of these things is going to have to wait.
I've always said that I'll listen to what you guys want, so the only real/fair way I can do this is to leave the decision up to you guys.
Been a threads user since the wwwthreads days. I would like to see the blogs first. As far as the layout is concerned, what kind of layout are we talking about? I still prefer the old layout of the 6.x series
The UI overhaul should end up with a flexible layout. Right now, you can fairly easily change the colors, but the overall layout still looks pretty much the same.
What we hope to achieve with the new UI would be a skinning mechanism where skins not only include colors and css settings but template changes as well. So, if you prefer the old 6.x look, it would be possible to create a skin with that look. It will also be possible to create PDA skins that people have been requesting as well.
As for the table-less question. That's what I'm hoping for, but at this point it's up in the air, there still may be some tables, but we definitely hope to cut down and control more with a CSS approach.
I should also note on this. With the UI update, we'll be totally overhauling the user profile as well. Once that is done adding blogs to that functionality will be fairly simple. So, blogs could be included in the actual release that contains the front end overhaul, or will come shortly thereafter, if we were to go with the UI update first.
I do not wish to complain but I would like to personally see some of the hacks that have been around for a long time through many different releases and updated for pretty much every release for a long period of time added into the released general product.
Multiple Identity Detection
Center Island Option (Left / Right / Center) This would be great for the who is online and other islands.
Ability to set how many users are shown on the Who's online box.
And many more.
The problem is that these type things are popular and every time you update your board then your without certain options that were hacked into the software you have to wait for the new release of the hack or hope that the old one will work in the new release and spend tons of time placing popular hacks into the program.
I do not wish to complain but I would like to personally see some of the hacks that have been around for a long time through many different releases and updated for pretty much every release for a long period of time added into the released general product.
I try and add a couple each version. We added a few last version, and we'll add a few more next version.
If a UI overhaul wins out, do you have an estimated time frame?
Haven't a clue at this point. It's a pretty big task. All new javascript libraries, scriptalicious or YUI (possibly YUI because I'm more familiar with it working on a few other things). So all the javascript related stuff will be redone, while adding new things, lightbox, WYSIWYG editor, etc.
Then there's the layout itself, moving towards more CSS control, coming up with the new skinning system, etc.
That's why we might brake it down into 2 chunks. Control Panel first, and then front end second.
Once we find out for sure which way we're going, then we'll get a better plan of attack.
I voted for UI because I'm very skeptical about the need for blogs in UBB.
I feel if blogs are not going to give our users a compelling reason to use them over competing free blog platforms then there is no point in offering them.
They got to be at least as functional as Blogger and wordpress.com in terms of customization. We're not just talking about colors, layout, etc. Users demand the ability to add widgets to their blogs that use flash and JavaScript and unfortunately that could present a security headache for us admins. So I think there will also need to be some type of moderation or approval process so that our users could add their own js/flash widgets to the blog.
Lets start thinking about this problem and how it can be overcome. Otherwise, frankly, I don't feel its worth doing. Why would they use it? They'll just continue using Blogger, Wordpress, MySpace, and the hundreds of other free blogging platforms.
I vote for the new UI. As I said in a previous thread, any UI redesign should be named UBB.threads 8.0. Blogs can then be added in 8.1.
I agree completely, it'd be a major change in need of a major version update.
Oh and for note Riok, I still recommend scriptalicious over YUI; all yahoo would have to do is impliment api keys and we'd have a huge headache with forum admin's and non functioning forums until they went and signed up for a key lol...
Oh and for note Riok, I still recommend scriptalicious over YUI; all yahoo would have to do is impliment api keys and we'd have a huge headache with forum admin's and non functioning forums until they went and signed up for a key lol...
I think IanSpence and SD concourr
If we were to use their CDN, which is an option, then I could see that being an issue. But, we'd be including the libraries with the software since they are released under a BSD license. So nobody's forum is just going to stop functioning.
In most cases it's going to be faster to reference their CDN for the framework, but we'll put in an option so it can either be grabbed from them or from the UBB install. So, even if you're using their CDN and they put in an extra hurdle to jump through, then it would just be a matter of switching to grabbing it locally.
Also, I've already done several projects with YUI and 0 with scriptalicious. So the learning curve has already been hurdled
I voted UI....not that have a clue "how" you guys go about doing the things you do to make this stuff work. I simply voted on the fact that Rick said the blogs would be much simpler and easier to "plug in" if he did the UI first....so....imagining how time consuming and mind boggling some of this may be, I suggest doing the major overhaul first then doing the "add ons"....my .02
I don't see why you want to implement blogs in UBB unless they're an import of Wordpress or Blogger blogs which are the market leaders. Why re-invent the wheel?
I still can't believe that LDAP Authentication has not been implemented. Large organizations hate having separate databases of users which is a reason they choose not to buy UBB.
I don't really understand what the purpose/desire is to having blogging capability in a forum software.
Originally Posted by blaaskaak
I see no usage of blogging yet for our site.
Originally Posted by usrbingeek
I'm very skeptical about the need for blogs in UBB.
Originally Posted by dmol
I don't see why you want to implement blogs in UBB unless they're an import of Wordpress or Blogger blogs which are the market leaders.
Well I may see your point in some ways but not all ways here with your comment about blogs. This is all fine and dandy and if you do not wish to use blogs that is your choice.
A while back I was totally satisfied with UBB.Classic and have watched Gizmo post down in the Classic area boasting to get Threads. I fired a few comments at him as I Love threads. I had been looking for blogs in my Beagle community for some time back then as well. I had seen the conversations by Rick telling that blogs were coming very soon. I was so happy I bought yet a third UBB license. Yippie.
Why do I need blogs with my UBB? Well now that is a great question in it self. My communities are designed to discuss them selves and their Beagles. I have a new community about racing, same thing but Cars not beagles.
My community is designed that each person has a story and would like to show off their beagle. What would be a great way to have a short little space to do this incorporated with their registration? Why a BLOG.
I understand most of YOUR communities are not oriented like my communities however perhaps you my wish to understand how OTHER communities are structured and run before making statements like, "I don't really understand what the purpose/desire is to having blogging capability in a forum software.", "I'm very skeptical about the need for blogs in UBB.", or "I don't see why you want to implement blogs in UBB unless they're an import of Wordpress or Blogger blogs which are the market leaders."
Well. I'm not a market leader so perhaps I shouldn't have a community online right?
Anyway here is my statement from the other side of the fence, "If you actually had a totally family oriented interactive site I can't see why you would be running without blogs in your community."
Yes that was quite harsh and it was meant to be in a way however you really shouldn't speak for others as I shouldn't speak for your community.
Originally Posted by Rick
#165866 - Thu Oct 12 2006 11:01 AM
I can't recommend anything personally because I've never used any, but..... This is something on the slate for the next version or two. Not giving out any top secret plans but, basically we want to add in some type of builit in payment processing and then then we'd like to add this in as a user feature. One of those things where if an admin wanted to they could charge for it and enable it on a per user basis and the blog would be available in the user's profile.
Blogs have been a long time coming. It wouldn't be very nice to keep delaying them to those users who have wanted them for a long time. To go to a third party blog software and then hack it to use the current UBB member database and such would be a real pain in the rear and totally unnecessary as blogs were discussed as far back as 2006, it is almost 2009.
Originally Posted by Rick
#166094 - Sat Oct 14 2006 10:54 AM
lol. Basically I say the next version or two on some of these is because I don't know what's going to make it into the next version or two exactly. The big ticket things at this point would be: some sort of captcha, photo gallery forums, user blogs and payment processing (paypal at the minimum). Sprinkle those in with all the smaller things that need to be done, and you get my point. I don't want to be a year in between releases, rather would like to have at least a couple feature releases per year. So it's pick and choose which ones get in.
If you are looking at new script libraries for the UI overhaul then jQuery is a great option. Just moved to using it instead of Mootools and some of the plugins are really swish.
While the need for blogs might not seem like a big issue, we cater to all sizes of communities. It's true, our blog implementation is going to be basic at best, especially compared to true blogging systems, even more so in our initial release. But it will still be useful on many sites.
It's somewhat like our photo galleries. Software that is strictly dedicated to photo galleries is always going to be better, but ours serves a purpose and is quite useful for many sites.
Our initial implementation is really just going to be an extended profile page. It's not actually going to take a long time to complete. Just the ability for certain groups to create blogs that will show in their profile, where other users can comment on them. Like I said, quite basic for our initial release, but we'll go from there.
Allen is also right in the fact that the UI overhaul is a big project. Not quite as daunting as when we worked on 7.0, but still a pretty big task, so it's going to take quite a while. Pretty sure we'll split it into two releases, with the first one covering the control panel.
I plan to use the blogs feature as a 'mobblog' for all users on the site who've reached a certain number of posts - really, not much more than setting a particular forum to post to the portal and allowing trusted users to start new topics in that forum. Update a few things in profiles to highlight recent new topics and voila!
Because a couple forums have moved to table-less design we have an idea of where to go, but the re-design of the front end is gonna be a huge project - what browsers do we support would be the first question
Allen is also right in the fact that the UI overhaul is a big project. Not quite as daunting as when we worked on 7.0, but still a pretty big task, so it's going to take quite a while. Pretty sure we'll split it into two releases, with the first one covering the control panel.
I donno what is concerned a small or large community but we do a few hundred posts a day. We also have many many users surfing our site that do not register. The traffic is pretty much 10% registered and the other 90% just surfing the site never registered.
We serve like a million and a half pages a month from that site. I guess this is considered a small community as were just a non corporate entity on the internet. I'm also sure if we were a corporation then we, with the same stats, would be considered a large community.
Just an FYI, my comment about having customers with different size communities, wasn't meant as a dig on smaller ones. Doesn't matter to me if you get 1 post a day or a thousand. Everyone has an equal voice in this.
The goal is a feature release to be about every 3-4 months. We've gotten off that cycle a couple times by trying to cram too much into a release, but that's the timeframe we try and shoot for anyways.
I voted for UI before reading through this topic. It really doesn't matter to me either way. My users aren't interested in blogs since my main forum is just a small personal site with a few friends logging in. They are interested in having an integrated chat page as am I. I also want to echo Allen's request for moblogging being integrated, that's one of my favorite features at the Groupee.com mothership.
Personally, I think we we should go with the blogging for those of us owners that want to better monetize their forums with that feature. And maybe throw in a moblog system and chat to round it out before tackling a major UI overhaul.
I voted blogs, since I want to offer blog service already for some time to my users. I can work out a partnership or buy yet another software, but them I'm stuck with two member databases. Not very user friendly neither. It's easy for them if they can jump from forum to blog and vice versa. Why offering blog service? To create loyalty, make sure they always come back, to generate inbound links (SEO) and MONETIZE my forum. My site and forum is focused to women. They want easy tools, they don't want to setup complicated software. Another example is a website in our country with a mix between regular site, forum AND blog. It drives traffic like hell, and advertisers!
femistyle you are exactly correct. For me it is all about the money. The more traffic the more money I make from my communities.
Now this does not sound like a community oriented type thing but in the near future I will post a photo in the gallery to show that I have a few bucks tied up not only in software but hardware.
I see very few people in here that actually run their own servers and or have the ability to do so. My foremost community is not only a way to generate traffic to gain exposure for my advertising to generate income but demonstrate what my systems can do for those who wish to park their sites in my home, yes I meant all this is in my home.
I vote for Blogs although i can clearly see the appeal/need for a UI overhaul.
For me having integrated bloggs would do away with the need of having multiple sites catering for both needs.
I've experimented with some other software integration to merge ubb with cms / blogging software, but i could never get around the multiple login issues (php is not my native language).
I wont be disappointed if UI gets the nod over Blogs, but Blogs gets my vote.
Well, I do want to offer blogs myself; WordPressMU has such a fickle settings that annoy the crap out of me (forcing users to the "anti-www initiative" for starters)...
I'd like to offer at least something "small" (and with any luck, some "group based blog" options, where you can have a "blog group" (where a group of users can post to a blog) vs just "every user has their own blog that only they can post to")
Well, I do want to offer blogs myself; WordPressMU has such a fickle settings that annoy the crap out of me (forcing users to the "anti-www initiative" for starters)...
I'd like to offer at least something "small" (and with any luck, some "group based blog" options, where you can have a "blog group" (where a group of users can post to a blog) vs just "every user has their own blog that only they can post to")
Actually i like the group blog idea even better than individual blogs :thumbs_up:
I don't think you'll see a group based blog in our initial release of blogs. Like I said, the first release is going to be fairly basic, extending their user profile page, and you'll be able to turn the ability on/off for certain groups of users.
Then versions following that will extend on the features.
Well I voted UI and it was way ahead of blogs at first but today I see Blogs is ahead by 1 vote.
To me the Blogs would take advantage of a UI update. Being a basic blog in the first place, then the UI is way behind just makes it less attractive to me. I'm just a bit tired of seeing BBS sites that look like they came from the Dark Ages. Would like to see a bit more modern look to the site without having to be a dedicated Web Developer.
As for comments about Bulletin Boards for Corporations please provide some links to such sites that are using off the shelf BBS software with LDAP. I'm not saying they're not there but I don't recall ever being to such a site and I don't recall seeing any of the main BBS software offering LDAP. Unless I'm mistaken few if any users (except those owning their own sever) would be able to implement LDAP anyways. It is not a USER profile type installation.
Unless I'm mistaken few if any users (except those owning their own sever) would be able to implement LDAP anyways. It is not a USER profile type installation.
Just yesterday the founder of my largest community and my self were just discussing going that route. He still has plenty of activity in the community and even though I actually own it I still include him in all my decisions and new things. Sometimes he likes the ideas and we do it or sometimes he don't and tells me why, I rarely don't do it anyways, lol.
I mean if you're talking BIG like a Hotmail type big then okay, but it has its pros and cons as with most technology.
Again though I'd still be interested in seeing a site that is using Off The Shelf "Internet forum software" that supports LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
This is a list of Internet Forum software for most of the known applications and none of them list LDAP (though this list may not be up to date and may not include such details for all applications)
Losing ground on the UI Poll I guess My thinking is I would forgo the blogs to move forward so Rick does not have to backtrack on code changes. Potential for more bug fixes which means more delays to move forward on other items
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
If we do blogs first and then the UI second, when we redo the UI we'll have to pretty much redo the blogs as well. Since the javascript, layout, etc. will all be changing.
If we were to do the UI first, then when we do the blogs we'll already have the new javascript libraries in place, the layout will be settled upon, etc. So, this would be the quickest overall method since there would be no backtracking.
IMO, updating the UI before adding blogs is the most efficient/productive development path for advancing UBBThreads in it's core competency(excellent community forum software solution). There are many blog/cms solutions out there with integrated forums. One problem with these solutions, forums are feature deficient in comparison to UBBThreads. Unfortunately, member management integration does not easily exist between popular CMS packages and UBBThreads. It makes more sense to start with an open source CMS like Wordpress and create a module to integrate member management between WP and Ubbthreads.
I voted for UI overhaul. The way I see it a more flexible UI will make UBB.threads much easier to integrate into other scripts such as blogging engines and whatnot.
I don't really understand what the purpose/desire is to having blogging capability in a forum software.
I'm sure there are valid reasons, I just can't seem to get my head around what they might be.
I can only speak for myself of course, but I run an automotive discussion forum and use subscriptions to provide different "benefits" for my users. Since most of my users are car enthusiasts, I offer blogs for a certain level of membership (Gold) so they can chronicle their car-related activities, for example). The blogs allow my members an easy way to have their own web space on my site and they are very popular. The problem is, I have to use a third party blog software. For me, it would be far better to have an integrated blog capability that has the look and feel of the rest of my forum.
I vote for Blogs first because - it is something I have wanted for a long time! Currently, I use a third party blog software for my member's blogs, but I would much prefer (and so would my users) a blog system that is part of the UBB system and that has the same look and feel of the rest of the forum. I suppose the need for blogs depends on the type of community you have. My members are British car enthusiasts and would like to have a way to show off and chronicle their restorations, racing exploits, etc, as part of the overall threads community.
I don't really understand what the purpose/desire is to having blogging capability in a forum software.
I'm sure there are valid reasons, I just can't seem to get my head around what they might be.
I can only speak for myself of course, but I run an automotive discussion forum and use subscriptions to provide different "benefits" for my users. Since most of my users are car enthusiasts, I offer blogs for a certain level of membership (Gold) so they can chronicle their car-related activities, for example). The blogs allow my members an easy way to have their own web space on my site and they are very popular. My 2 cents.
Thanks Basil for your perspective on the blog feature.
Like I said in my post, I just couldn't wrap my head around how they would be used in a forum system.
Now I can see where a expanded user profile in a "miniblog" form could be a useful thing to build interest in the community members, and by extension the community itself.
I never said they were a bad idea. Although from a development perspective if revamping the UI helped ease the integration of features such as, blogs, classified ads and whatever else Rick may have in mind, I think it makes sense from a project/resource efficiency perspective to lay the groundwork first.
BTW, someone mentioned a WP plugin; have you actually went and looked at WPMU? It's dirty, hard to work with, and worse of all, it forces you to use the "anti www initiative" with no way to disable it short of diving into code... So consider my vote a huge "no way" on that route...
I did vote for Blogs Before the Topic increased in size. Its a Tough one.
Ive gone for Blogs for the simple reason its been on the "Road Map" for so long. Ive posted its coming for god knows how long.
But what puts a downer on it for me, its that the "New" features always seem to come on line in there "Basic" form. And its a for ever wait for it to get to a "Normal" Level.
IMO there is still work to be done on the structure its self before any more new features need fixing. 7.4.1 has come out and there are Bugs out the Box so to speak, I would love to see a STABLE release we can have confidence in. I did have confidence back in 7.2.2 but the permissions i knew was a hell of a job, and it seems to be done and working fine.
I want to see the ability to store Gallery Pictures to a directory of my choice like the upload files. I currently have via upload files 7,000 images. With the Gallery possibly 2,000 and there all being saved to the Root of my Forums. Which are mx 2mb each. Ive no way to archive or manage the Gallery Files.
I have space to play with but does everyone have that luxury? And while your there lest get them watermarked as there nicking our bandwidth so we may as well stamp on the images where there coming from
-------------- Its a great product rick but the upgrades just are not exciting anymore. I think of it from the user not the Admin side of it.
I read a web survey recently and it pointed out that many members of a online forum will leave if its too difficult or complicated to understand. I think were at that level now. Were not the easiest forum to get to grips with. Yes if you stick at it, but it can be difficult for new members.
Great work Rick. Its all feedback as long as we can move forward with new features more frequently with less bugs you will keep most of us happy
BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1 People who inspire me IsaacME Gizmo
Its a great product rick but the upgrades just are not exciting anymore. I think of it from the user not the Admin side of it.
I have to agree with that statement.
There are so many products coming out now that are clones of the MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, MyBlogLog, and other very popular user community destinations, that mimic the look and feel of those apps and are written in PHP. Most of them now include the feature of allowing a user to manage a web page of some sort, and have limited control over it, and blog with it, and upload multimedia, control a contact or 'buddy' list, etc. Many of these products includes availability of the Single Sign-Ons (e.g. OpenID) that permits users registered on a large service provider such as Yahoo to have instant registered access to your site. The ability to change not only the colors and background images of a style, but the entire layout as well, with just one click. The ability to have "plug-ins" of all sorts, such as a product like Moodle, for instance.
All of THAT would be "exciting".
Users want more now that they are accustomed to the features on MySpace and FaceBook. They've been trained to think that it's normal to have such features available on a website, and when they come across sites that don't offer them, those sites look primitive. Old-fashioned. Out of touch.
I know the UI is important. But monetizing our sites, and drawing traffic to them is pretty important too. Why should you add Blogs now? Because you've been promising to do it for a very long time, and there's no compelling reason not to keep your promise.
The broad availability of many, many white-label user community products with forums, chats, blogs, photo and video upload galleries, interactive games that keep score, etc has made me think seriously about moving my community over to one of them, just to thrill and excite my existing user base, and to attract a crowd of new users used to "tags", and "tweets", and automatically getting free widgets when they join a user community. The only thing that's held me back, really, is the backlog of 10 years worth of posts, all indexed in search engines, that can't be imported to any new software.
I know you make a solid product, and kudos to you for the care you take to produce a stable, bug-free piece of code. But please, please, can't you take a look around at, if not the wave of the future, at least the splash of the present, and help us webmasters give users what they want?
For me, it's all about retaining memebrs and attracting new ones. And it's getting harder and harder to do withoutsoftware that's getting to be considered "standard".
I know coding is painful and difficult. I know things have to come one baby step at a time. But starting by adding blogs as a feature would be a little thing we could throw to users who are increasingly distracted by larger community sites with nicer features.
I read a web survey recently and it pointed out that many members of a online forum will leave if its too difficult or complicated to understand. I think were at that level now.
I agree completely! One consistent complaint I've had over the years is from the members, who just want to discuss cars; often times they have difficulty navigating and grasping the vast array of "features." I have found more than one occassion where I installed a new version with new bells and whistles and found that my members were not nearly as enthralled with the new features as I was. Threads is a great piece of forum software (the best), but the sad truth is, in its current form, much is lost on the average member (at least on my site). It seems there has been a lot of focus on stuff that the true forum-geeks, like us, appreciate, but not necessarily the average user.
I'm not proposing that any features be eliminated, but when the new UI is developed, I would suggest that the primary focus should be on making the forum less cluttered and easier to navigate/understand. As it happens, I am an analyst who conducts Operational Testing of complex (mostly military) systems, and I can tell you that the #1 thing that gets looked at in any Operational Test is the man-machine interface. The simpler and cleaner you can make it, the better.
I'm with you both. I to would like to compete with the "Big Boys" by having my communities giving things that the big guys give included. I have not only my time but a good deal of money invested in my communities not only with the software but also equipment to be able to be self efficient and totally in house from the site to all the equipment that makes it possible.
Some of you have seen my photo in the gallery of some of my equipment and not trying to brag or anything but I have been working on having everything self efficient for some time. Recently this year I took the plunge and built my rack and added a few nice toys as well. Took the time to make it not only functional but eye pleasant as well just in case the buddies happen to stumble into the server room.
Besides, you wouldn't believe how many women tell me I have a nice rack, lol.
I want all the nice things that those big corporations have for my communities. I like to play around building better servers and running great software on them. I love the UBB product as I have been with it since 1998 and now have 3 runtime licenses for the product. In the future I hope to have many more and more communities going and be very popular too.
Rick We / I appreciate the Massive Permissions Upgrade you have done and i'm sure down the line it will prove to be the best way forward. But its got to be balanced with what the "New Member See's".
It was Great to see the New Addon's 30 Day posters and More custom islands, but there wasn't really anything added to the existing features which is part of your General Road Map.
As Much as we need Blogs and a UI we still need some features ironing out / enhancing. Lets not forget them as we move forward as its the attention to detail we like.
--------------- But all said and Done IT IS a great product. It is moving forward, and improving.
We as Site Admin are important to you and the Product. Our Members are important to us and our communities.
( Did Barack Obama say that lol )
Besides, you wouldn't believe how many women tell me I have a nice rack, lol.
Ive so got to get me a Rack lol
One thing is for sure we have all invested a lot of time and money in the software and want it to succeed. keep up the Great Work Rick. ( Just a bit quicker lol (Joke))
BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1 People who inspire me IsaacME Gizmo
For those wanting stuff for the average user to get excited about, the blogs will be a small bit of that (like I said, it's not going to be very full featured to start). The UI overhaul will be a bigger chunk of that.
Complexity should be handled a bit better as well. When I mentioned inline help for the admin area, that will probably be available to the general user as well. Most everything, we plan to have a little ? or some other small link that will be clickable to explain a feature in some type of popup/lightbox, without cluttering the page.
In the end however, we'll always be a forum first. We'll never be a facebook/myspace/flavor-of-the-month-social-networking-site mimic
Since 7.0 has come out, we've spent the time getting the main features we need put in, at least in a basic capacity. Once we get blogs done, then we'll have all of the real main features that we need in place, galleries, new permission system, blogs, payment system.
Then we can start to extend on those after the UI is in. The user's profile page is going to become their little hub that will have blogs, user photo galleries, ability for others to leave comments, reciprocal buddies/friends. All permission based.
I remember way back in classic we had the ability to have a user picture. When we moved to Threads many of my users had asked why they can not have that anymore.
I remember way back in classic we had the ability to have a user picture. When we moved to Threads many of my users had asked why they can not have that anymore.
I've been bugging Rick about this and the user bio since .t7 was in "what features do we need now" stage
I don't really remember a true picture feature in classic. I remember that you could edit your custom title and add html code to show a picture which displayed the same as today when you allow uploads of custom avatars. The only problem with it now is you don't have a way to manage the file you uploaded.Just upload another.(Wonder what happens to the old avatar)
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
It is over written by the new one if the same file format. If you upload a .gif then your next avatar is a .jpg then the .gif remains and is abandon by the software but remains in your upload directory.
We are probably getting a little off topic here but that is my point. As a user I upload ruben.jpg as a avatar. Then I decide I don't want a avatar. So I select no avatar. Tomorrow I want to turn it back on. I have to upload a file again to enable it. WHY? It should already be visible to select again or delete it.
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
The program abandons the file even if it is all ready in the upload directory. It will not remember it unless you upload it again then it is placed in the data base. If you could grab it again from the upload folder then you might be able to grab anyone's personalized avatar.
I haven't had a chance to read everyone's comment, I plan on doing that later, but here are my thoughts after using this software for 8 years.
My vote is for UI, because it benefits ALL customers and ALL users. The blog will only benefit some. I really feel like we are stuck in the 2001 with this UI, and with as cheap and fast as hosting is now, there is no reason to not incorporate more AJAX type stuff that really takes the user experience to the next level. As my forum approaches 1 million posts having features that benefit all users, not just some that want to blog, is really my highest priority. Better search is a must.
As far as blogs, it's a good idea, but think more of a Facebook type of application is more appropriate. Even just having a large customizable post-like field would be great, and not hard to do. I would really encourage the ubbdev community to work on this feature themselves. We have already started on doing this type of customization to our member profile pages ourselves.
We have a custom trip report application that is integrated into Threads, as well as better integration with PhotoPost. In the profile page we've added total number of trips and photos, as well as links to recent trips, and I'm working on a photo plugin using a scriptaculous script. Features in the works include a large customizable field for "manifestos" as well as "who I climb with". Each customers site is different, and each has different requirements, which I think should be met by the ubbdev community.
Lastly, and I know this is a bit off topic, and I've expressed this view before, I think this software should cost more with the hopes of adding more features per development cycle. As someone who runs a highly customized board, the amount of time we spend in the testing and upgrading of our board is fairly significant, and sometimes hard to justify. We just upgraded to 7.3 a month ago, and we aren't even thinking of 7.4 at this point. If we could get the features of two .x in one, in the same development cycle, that is something I would gladly pay for.
Well I'll be honest and say that I don't visit these places like Facebook, MySpace very often. Yeah there are links upon links to follow and view things but as for following and searching a discussion it is not an easy thing to do on those sites. If people are lost using UBB for an actual discussion then how do they use these other sites? Sure they have cool looking pages and maybe I'm just old fashioned but there just doesn't seem to be much real structure to these sites and maybe one day the BBS as it is will die off but there are sites like IGN that have millions of users and for the most part they're still using BBS software much like UBB only really UGLY and not as easy to use. Here is an example BLOG IGN Blog which I'm not knocking as it has it's own crowd and what they're looking for but actual trackable discussion doesn't seem to be one of them. Not sure if non members can get here, but here is an example of their board software which just plain sucks compared to UBB boards.ign.com
So maybe it was not the best thing for Rick to openly ask opinions on this subject
The problem with UBBDev is that every time you upgrade, once again, you have to re add all those modifications back into the UBB and hope they will still work.
I for one would stop using UBB if the only way to get blogs in the site is to have to keep adding in the modifications every upgrade and hope it will still work. The first time it wouldn't work is the last time I would ever upgrade and would be looking into a new system pay or free the next day.
I'm referring to hacks such as Blogs or something very complicated in that matter. Some communities need certain thing and others do not, It would be nice to at least have the option to use something or turn it off rather then not have that ability at all and have to keep hacking the software to have the site features your site would require.
I have been using the forum software your team produced since 1998 (Classic) and the biggest issue I see moving forward is integration. Yes you are a forum first however many of us are trying to build and retain a community. Forums were the base of the community back in the late 1990's (before they coined the team social networking) but that has changed. Blogs and other social network tools are now important in building a community. I do not think you/your team need to "re-invent the wheel" and try to create these new features (blogs, social networks, alumni directories, trip reports etc) in UBB. You will have to keep up with new features if you do. A light version of these features will not keep a community satisfied. This is why I voted for the UI. I am hoping that you build a new back end that will facilitate PLUG-IN for easier integration. I am tried of having to update the custom software that I have around the the UBB DB. I am tired of watching other forum software seamlessly integrate with the best of the best tools. Apart from Photopost/Classifieds (which I use) there is really nothing else that integrates with UBB. I may get chastised for this but there seems to be minimal effort to reach out and provide ways to integrate what has not become standard community software that is out there. I don't know if there is a "rift" but I strongly believe that UBBDEV and UBB should be working closer together. There should be a standard for Plug-in that integrate seamlessly...UBBDEV should be the place to get those standard plug-ins.
I know for many of you a UI will not bring more page views or maximize ad dollars (CPM)in the short term. However if it is done with the goal of seamless integration for plug-ins it will help in the long term.
I do not think you/your team need to "re-invent the wheel" and try to create these new features (blogs, social networks, alumni directories, trip reports etc) in UBB. You will have to keep up with new features if you do. I am hoping that you build a new back end that will facilitate PLUG-IN for easier integration. I am tried of having to update the custom software that I have around the the UBB DB. I am tired of watching other forum software seamlessly integrate with the best of the best tools. Apart from Photopost/Classifieds (which I use) there is really nothing else that integrates with UBB.
I cannot agree with you any more
I voted Blogs , But I think this is not so important.
As to integration , I think UBBThreads as an OpenID provider is the most important of all. No database schema changes (well , maybe some logging needed) , just some php coding can make UBBThreads become an OpenID provider.
I can build my custom webapps that utilizing UBB's identity . OpenID is growing , there will be more and more webapps that consumes OpenID identity . I think blog function is very good , but there are myriads of OpenSource blog system out there , and they are accepting OpenID ! Wordpress has an OpenID plugin , I can setup a Wordpress environment and let my UBBThreads users to create their blogs with UBBThreads' identity (and thus preserve reputation).
Again , Blog is good , but , it doesn't need to be implemented by UBBThreads team!
so .... Please... OpenID ... Please.....
English is not my native language. I try my best to express my thought precisely. I hope you understand what I mean. If any misunderstanding results from culture gaps, I apologize first.
Took a look at OpenID and it seems like a good idea. The concern I have is what would happen if a username is already taken. I am not a tech guru so maybe there are rules for it. At this point anything that can help to make integration/plug in easier is a major step for UBB.
Rick please make the bold move and give the software the ability to integrate.
OpenID sounds like a good idea, unless it screws up the millions of current members of ubb forums.
I have little to no interest in OpenID. I understand the concept, but at least for me, it's not something I care about - but that's just me, based on my community. If it is implemented, I hope it is a option for the admin.
Sorry to disturb again. This attachment is a simple UBBThreads-OpenID integration diagram. For you who are not familiar with openID. Just to emphasize that , there will be no db schema changes. It's just a simple standard / de-facto service , but helps "expanding" our site very much.
English is not my native language. I try my best to express my thought precisely. I hope you understand what I mean. If any misunderstanding results from culture gaps, I apologize first.
I understand how it works and I've had one for a while now but actually never really use it so far. Maybe someday I'll be with a site that uses it and I like the site and stay around.
It's looking that way. It won't delay the UI update all that long. Like I said, our blog implementation will be fairly basic at first, so we're not talking about a 3 month development cycle for this one
Please don't avoid the Integration/Open ID discussion being that the blogs won. If you mention it in another post please point me there. If not can you give a statement on if this is in the future plans for the software. It would probably help many us with our planning in the future year.
Like I said, our blog implementation will be fairly basic at first
Mmmm... I want to "revoke" my vote for blog.
I think a simple blog system doesn't appeal to users any more now , because users are "spoiled" by many OpenSource and fancy blog systems.
WordPress has a lot of plugins to 'play' with. The WordPress ecosystem is much larger than UBBThreads . UBBThreads should think to leverage the ecosystem to expand site's functionality , not to re-invent the wheel.
I think UBBThreads have many other important features needed to be implemented (UI / WYSIWYG editor / ... ) , all focus on forum . As to features beyond forum ( Blog / Chatroom / Album / other plugins ...) , there are already myriads of mature solutions out there. Since OpenID is a promising technology about identity confirmation , data exchange , UBBThreads should seriously look into it , it will help you reduce a lot of "wheel"
There is a Chinese proverb "Person who complains a merchandise is the one that really buys it". I have many complains about UBBT (especially the slow develop process , advice acceptance) , but I also have supported UBBThreads since WWWThreads.perl ,in fact , I just renewed the license yesterday. I know "Open" is the only key to make a site strong and vital. I hope Rick can think and think again.
English is not my native language. I try my best to express my thought precisely. I hope you understand what I mean. If any misunderstanding results from culture gaps, I apologize first.
I personally do not care anymore if they do Blogs or the IU. If I like the product I will buy it and support it, if not I will just buy something else. There are many companies out there that make products that will fit my needs either being UBB or someone other company.
It's looking that way. It won't delay the UI update all that long. Like I said, our blog implementation will be fairly basic at first, so we're not talking about a 3 month development cycle for this one
So, the next version should be version 7.5, and version 8.0 with the UI update should come shortly afterward.
I think it boils down to whether you want this to continue to be bulletin board software, or if you are trying to move into CMS space. I say continue to make it a better bulletin board software (one we've been paying for since 2000 and recently purchased Gold for), and leave the "other" stuff for the existing packages that folks can already get. Do one thing and do it best.
I think it boils down to whether you want this to continue to be bulletin board software, or if you are trying to move into CMS space. I say continue to make it a better bulletin board software (one we've been paying for since 2000 and recently purchased Gold for), and leave the "other" stuff for the existing packages that folks can already get. Do one thing and do it best.
Well put! That has been my feeling all along. I inherited a UBB board and I also run phpBB (which I'm eager to switch to UBB once the importer is ready for v3).
If you put some resources toward developing a decent API you will build your customer base simply by providing a means for the end user to plug in what they want/need most.
See, the one thing I was excited about when I heard about the anouncement of UBB.T7 (when CC was on board) was that they where going to lean towards an API (back when they where thinking of encoding the sourcecode); I hope upon hopes that eventually we have something in place to build upon... It'd be excellent for addons and tie ins to other products...
Problem is you also have to compete against other products. So you either follow a similar route or produce something that the competitors do not have.
Sadly a simple forum software is probably not going to cut it in today's marketplace with free products available.
Surely at the end of a day a forum is just one part of a community, and we all need to attract and keep users who are looking for a bit more than just a forum. Even forum admins have competitors and if we also do not stay ahead of the game we too will lose business.
The thing I do not like about the UBB is that as more things gets added the control panel takes on more stuff and takes tons of time to do the most simple things, if you can figure out where to find the part you need to do it in.
If you add a forum you need to go to many places and edit existing permissions in your CP. If you have a large site this takes forever and you always forget something.
Adding a manual into the software per say that you can run your mouse over and click on to find out how to set a function is great with that type instruction however it will not help you find out how to get there. You need to be an expert or a rocket scientist just to administer the thing anymore.
I feel even with the added little "hints" aka know as a "manual" in this format will not help the product at all .I my self practically gave up on Blogs even though I want them very badly and are looking for a different Blog software at this time as I feel it will be so hard to find the proper places to set up the stuff in the control panel.
Now as far as the UI upgrade and update this will make matters even worse in this area. Yes this is a fine product but unless you make a manual that you can put in a PDF format and print out on paper nothing you do will make it easier to administer, find the proper stuff, or even make the control panel better. This is why I voted for blogs over the UI upgrade and overhaul.
Rick your a great guy and a really good programmer but the problem in this is the inability to call you and discuss anything with you these days. In past times an intelligent person could actually get you on the phone and talk to you. Since you no longer go to the office other then putting in a support ticket or trying to express your problem in a public forum typing takes days where a simple phone call would take minutes.
I love the product and Rick is great however in recent times it has become very difficult to operate or figure out to get things done. Once again a 15 minute phone call would save a weeks time in communications with you Rick. Hire someone to be your go between.
This will probably be the last time I do a public poll on what to work on next, as it went off in all different tangents. Everyone wants something different and what is important to some is not so important to others.
We're not shooting to be a CMS, or the new social networking thing. We just add things that fit in with what's there. If we were simply trying to be the best discussion forum out there, then the portal and the gallery forums would have never been put in, since it could have just hooked in with some other software to do both of those.
Yes, our blogs will be limited, just like our photo gallery forums are limited. That doesn't mean they won't be useful to some. Photopost is much more feature rich than our gallery forums, but ours work fine for many customers. So, the same thing can be said for blogs. It's pretty much going to be an extended personal profile. Not everyone is going to use it, but many will. Yes there is a lot of different software out there that does blogs better, but many of our customers don't have the interest or the knowledge on installing these.
I've said this a few times and I'll put it forth once more. Since 7.0 was put out, we've been somewhat playing catch up with everyone else. We needed to get all of the basic features in place and then start improving on what's there.
We needed to get CAPTCA in, which we did. However it still needs to support more image libraries.
We needed to get payment processing in place, which we did. However it still needs to support more than just paypal or check/money order.
We needed to get a new permission system in place, which we did. However it still needs to be easier to use.
We needed to get gallery forums in, which we did. However it needs to support more image libraries as well, and be extended to personal galleries.
We need to get blogs in. They'll be basic at first like most of the above features.
At that point, we'll have everything we really need to offer and we can work on improving what we have. Better UI, easier to use, etc. A built-in manual, along with a downloadable one (yes this will be coming since we'll be documenting everything anyways).
All that being said. We've said blogs have been coming for quite awhile now. I didn't make my personal preference hidden on which I'd like to do first between these two, however enough people want blogs that we can't just yank the carpet out from under their feet, so that's what we'll do first. Like I said, it's probably just going to be a better personal profile. It's not a huge feature, so it's not something that's going to take an insane amount of time so it won't push things back that far.
Thats all great. But some of the problems are having a simple log in for a site with all software using the same log in not have 3 different software packages with 3 different registrations and 3 different login for each thing.
I agree not many users or "communities" have the desire to use all of the things or are large enough to be pressured into having them.
I have plenty of experience in servers, software, programming, and find that doing many things are very difficult when it comes to working with the UBB.threads with other applications. When UBB made the change from classic to threads many things has changed and continued to change in the back end of the software leaving no "standard" for the actual product we use in the UBB. This makes it extremely difficult to have other software work with the database to give a one login approach for a community utilizing many software packages and abilities.
The major problem is not that it is not compatible with other software as this can be changed through a patch type software making all of the community software written by others compatible with a single user database but the constant changed from one version to the next in the database. I totally understand that you need to make modifications to add more things in the database but a simple standard of operation in the user database would be a great help.
Like I said you loose the ability to express and takes forever to relay your opinion and thought process through a message board over the ability to have a simple conversation for just a few minutes. I'm not suggesting going to the past where anyone could get you on the phone but rather give the option for you to contact a single person once and a while to discuss major issues. other do have some what experience and intelligence in the subject as well. I have talked to Dave D and Charles C in the past many times and relayed to you things that eventually became part of the product. This ability other then through a support ticket or a chat conversation no longer exists in your company and no one at Groupee knows nothing or will even give you the time of the day.
Make your product better by making it friendly to other software packages.
Are you following what I'm trying to relay in a chat conversation here?
We're not shooting to be a CMS, or the new social networking thing. We just add things that fit in with what's there. If we were simply trying to be the best discussion forum out there, then the portal and the gallery forums would have never been put in, since it could have just hooked in with some other software to do both of those.
I'm not suggesting you do but make it easier for us "Smaller Web Sites" to make our communities software work together.
Making the product better by making it friendly with other products is where the API will come in. It's been another thing that's been talked about for awhile, however it kept getting pushed back for the features I mentioned above to be put in place.
We haven't totally gotten rid of discussion by phone. I've done it many times when it's needed. All contact is still initiated by an email or support ticket however since 95% of the time the issue/problem/question can be resolved through those means.
I'm hoping your as well as others understand that I am not trying to put down the product you put out there. It is a very good product.
The major issue for communities I have if I have several different login's for each part of the community then people will go to other places to get better support or what not. This is a major issue for my community.
I wish to extend what I have and utilize the full potential of the software I'm currently using. being a small company without the Corp., Inc., LLC., or other big named titles I have to compete every day just for users. I'm not unlimited in resources as many of the other users of your software and I am a one man show. I do this part time and do not have the time to rewrite all my stuff constantly every time there is an upgrade to the software to make it compatible with the rest of the stuff running in my communities.
I surly hope you move toward the direction of having your software the ability to share a log in database to be a one login community compatible software even if you never incorporate things like Blogs or what not into the community. But on the other hand I feel if you mention something like Blogs in like 2006 you shouldn't take 3 or 4 years to incorporate it into the community as well. In that case if it is just a thought then leave it a thought till you actually have the time to do it and do it right, just my 2 cents.
Buy the way I just love to use the "Small guy" thing, I think it is funny, LOL. I have more resources then most small businesses and Web Host's out there and think thats kind of funny. I just like to have the ability to do what ever I wish when ever I feel like it.
Oh yes you do have both my home and cell phone number if you wish to share thoughts.
For many the OpenID suggestion is very limited in use - even if it were fully supported now there's no other software out there I am currently interested in using it with.
Development has always been an elastic process, even if ideas and thoughts were mentioned years ago they may or may not ever see the light of day. Other things come along that take priority over previous thoughts and ideas. Relax a bit and spend more time on your own site if this topic gets you worked up.
I can't remember ever (in 9-10 years here) there being a poll about what features are wanted next, I'm guessing we won't see another for at least 10 years
For many the OpenID suggestion is very limited in use - even if it were fully supported now there's no other software out there I am currently interested in using it with.
I think it only depends on webmaster's enthusiasm and ambition. If he wants to boost his site's functionality , he can find (or write by himself) many interesting OpenID apps to hook to UBBThreads.
I am a java web developer , I've developed a wicket-based chatroom that consumes OpenID . Everyone can use a valid OpenID to login to chat.
But to make it run on my site (running UBBThreads) , I have to write another adapter , to identify one's identity with his cookies , and connect to mysql to check his password. It's not a 'de facto / standard' way. That's why I think UBBT should make an OpenID interface , making UBBT as an OpenID identity provider , it will make developers (like me) easily to hook their applications to UBBThreads.
After all , not all programmers know PHP , and not all programmers know how to check one's cookie with MD5 hashing (That's why there is only a few plugins for UBBT , most are modifications), but each modern programmer can easily use his skilled language to connect to OpenID provider and do some simple metadata exchange. If there exists an OpenID interface here , it 'may' boost one site's functionality.
English is not my native language. I try my best to express my thought precisely. I hope you understand what I mean. If any misunderstanding results from culture gaps, I apologize first.
Myself, I'd rather see an API than OpenID; this is just my opinion however as a web developer...
In fact , I want both. So that I can write more mash-ups
English is not my native language. I try my best to express my thought precisely. I hope you understand what I mean. If any misunderstanding results from culture gaps, I apologize first.
While some developers may be very excited about OpenID support, I'm just guessing that it's less than 1% of the ubb.threads owners. Most just want it to be a good discussion forum.
It sounds like a potentially interesting feature, but it has to be way down the list for upcoming features. No-one who hasn't already posted in this topic has requested it in the last 4 years. I voted for blogs but UI is way way above openid in need.
It sounds like a potentially interesting feature, but it has to be way down the list for upcoming features. No-one who hasn't already posted in this topic has requested it in the last 4 years.
That's because OpenID becomes de-facto standard in this year.
English is not my native language. I try my best to express my thought precisely. I hope you understand what I mean. If any misunderstanding results from culture gaps, I apologize first.
I've been promising blogs to my community for an awful long time and have had to endure some grief over it.
Because we LOST a place to post a biography, when you upgraded to the new software, it kind of put us in a bind.
We demand that people identify themselves to use our site, but we let people put their names in the bio area if they did not want to post with their real name. As long as they divulged their identity somewhere.
Now we have people upset because we aren't enforcing our own rules. We can't without having an area to do so, and right now, we just don't seem to have it.
Blogs are more important. The UI is just a way to manipulate how the forums look and work. It's still the forum. Blogs are a concrete item that adds unique functionality to the site and one that has been promised for a couple years or so.
I wanted Blogs on the basis that they were part of the "Road Map" and would be coming soon and i guess like a good few members they were pleased to pass on that information to there own Members.
If possible in the Future i would love to see the "Road Map" Just so we know what Rick is actually Doing, as it always seemed to be a bit of a secret. I'm fine with Locking a topic with whats coming next. But it would at least let us adjust to what's coming.
I love the idea of the "Make Over" its just a shame the "Bloggs" as a new feature have once again the word "Basic" Attached to them, but who knows they may have more to them that what we think.
Time will tell, I'm sure Rick has it all in hand and wont put a vote out into the public domain again, but i guess its feedback too.
I'm sure Ricks path is a winning path, and something we will all enjoy, just let us know where your going with things.
Well done adding those few dev features ( Day Top posters etc ) you see the little things can keep many of us happy too.
I'm planning to upgrade my live forum Christmas Week, and then i will be back on the ball with feed back
What can we expect as Bloggs as Basic as they will be ??
BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1 People who inspire me IsaacME Gizmo
Well, everything has to be basic at one point; i mean, we are a forum afterall ... Look at the huge competitors we're nosing in on with adding a blog, or photo gallery; theres no way we can offer everything they can with just a version1...
There would have to be adding the basic stuff in, and checking user input on what users would like to see added at a later point, etc.
Myself, i can't wait to see blogs added in, why you ask? WPMU sucks (Multi User WordPress); they force you to be a part of the "AntiWWW initiative" which strips "www" from your url in the script... Well, I force all "non www" requests to www on my site as I WANT to use it... Well, this results in a "permanent redirect error" (where apache forwards to www and the script forwards to the non www, over and over and over).
Yes it does have to start at version 1 But IMO should continue to develop too.
I'm picking on the Gallery. Its been in for over a year i guess now, and all that has changed is you can now see the url under the post.
Water marking and the choice of a upload directory (Simular to Files) would be improvements that haven't been made.
I have 3,000 Gallery images uploaded (2mb Max size) And 11,000 file uploads which are all images anyway.
Bandwidth can / does cost money.
The file uploads is fine as i can choose the location, but having the Gallery in a default location sucks for bandwidth monitoring if they go over (In theory) then the whole forum goes off line.
(I have my File uploads to a subdomain, which will go off line after x GB per month, but my Main Domain will stay online)
I would have liked to see that addressed before we have visible links to the gallery posts, now you can be assured more bandwidth can be taken from you having the choice for sml med large. .
Having the URL's under the Gallery Images isn't as important as managing the upload space and looking after your bandwidth. Then you can decide if its a good idea to have the links on show.
I know its was probably just as easy to throw those in as extras as that bit of code was being worked on, but i'm trying to say is that the Gallery has been basic since it began, its not what i would call version 2.
So when we read it will start off Basic the Question i think of almost straight away is for how long? And seems like the next release isn't a enhancement or tweak.
Version 7.2 Released - July 16, 2007 7.2 Feature: Finished the basic design of the gallery listing page. When you go to a forum that is designated as a gallery, instead of getting a list of topics, you'll get a list of thumbnails along with some basic information, poster, caption, views, etc.
7.2.1 Bug Fix: Fixed a permission problem with gallery/file attachments on some servers.
7.3.1 BugFix: Fixed a potential issue where a blank file attachment would lead to the directory permissions being changed on gallery folders.
Version 7.4 Released - Oct 16, 2008
Feature: Modified all gallery posts, so when viewing a picture it will give you the ubbcode for the thumbnail, medium and full sized images in the Post Description area. Also now displaying the size and dimensions of the full sized image.
Feature: When editing forum permissions, you will now be able to see what the max attachment size is set to in php.ini and you will not be able to set a value higher than this for File or Gallery attachments.
Change: Modified the gallery code to allow for the .jpeg extension in addition to just .jpg
Change: Added the gallery directory and sub-directories to the Permission Check screen in the Control Panel.
Okay so you can see that it was basic for 15 months. Before other updates were made. And i see no reason why blogs would be any different. We will have to wait a long time before they move from being "Basic". Basic Meaning as a new Feature.
I just think giving us the option to manage our files before offering "open" URLS would have been a more logical choice.
I hope i'm wrong a really do
BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1 People who inspire me IsaacME Gizmo
Well, if I recall properly, Rick had previously stated that he wanted a base set of features in place before beginning to extend functionality... And a part of what we're waiting on is the UI overhaul...
I strongly agree with DMOL on the topic of being able to combine our membership registration with message board registration. Right now I have 52K members on my email list but have only gotten 17K of them to register to use the boards. And it causes constant confusion when they sign up for one but really wanted the other. It's a daily thing I have to deal with and no matter how much I explain it to new members/users it still causes confusion. I want our members to go 1 place to both join our organization and get on our email list AND become registered to post on the message boards.
And my vote (though it''s already too late) would have been for the UI first. Why duplicate work?
It's looking that way. It won't delay the UI update all that long. Like I said, our blog implementation will be fairly basic at first, so we're not talking about a 3 month development cycle for this one
So this was almost a month ago, on 11.21. When can we expect the blog at least in beta? when in production? Would be a nice Christmas present!
Did you ever specify what the ubb-blog software is supposed to do? A spec list of the blog features? Please do so or refer us to the appropriate spec list.
What I would want and expect is that I myself as the main poster can have blog pages, where my contribution is in larger, more prominent fonts then the replies, or other people's remarks. Or, I wonder, maybe that can already be done somehow, by having the first post in a thread automatically in bigger fonts, or by having admin posts be in bigger fonts, and by restricting maximum font size by other posters. If it can be done somehow, please someone enlighten me how to do that.
Oh yes, it is too late already, but my vote is for blog!
And, off topic, Rick, you might pursue this: 123flashchat.com, a commercial chat provider with flash and ajax chat clients made a very nice chat integration for me, with database integration, neat security features, etc. I pestered them until they nicely integrated features like
admin rights: board admins become chat admins
banned members are banned in chat too
visible differentiation of registered members vs unregistered guests
Well, from what Rick said previously is that the blogs will pretty much be a extension of the users profile.
My translation to this is he is going to add back in the ability to have a photo in the user bio, UBB.Classic feature killed in UBB.Threds but asked for many times, and make a new field allowing for a brief comment from the user.
Anyway that was my translation to it all.
This is not really a blog but hey, Rick stated many times he is ONLY interested in "message boards" and not community software for other uses, or pretty much but not those exact words.
Features will probably be an updated profile page including a UBB buddy list, visitor comments to the profile itself, and blogs. List of recent blogs on the main profile page, linking to the full blog post with user comments beneath. Some type of user control for the profile owner to edit/delete comments, with the forum admin being able to do so as well.
As for not working on both at the same time. Couple reasons for this. As mentioned we've been promising blogs for a long time now. At this point I'm not sure if we'll be doing the UI update in one swoop. We may be splitting it into a Control Panel update first and then the front end second. If that were the case it would be 2 versions until blogs would get put in.
It's not totally doubling the work. The database work and interaction between scripts and DB won't have to be redone, just the design. When we do the UI update you can expect the blog to expand in features a bit. Probably giving the owner the option to what columns are displayed on the right/left side, etc.
At this point I'm not sure if we'll be doing the UI update in one swoop. We may be splitting it into a Control Panel update first and then the front end second. If that were the case it would be 2 versions until blogs would get put in.
Because this open source framework is a real good implementation of UI completely removed from app-functionality, and using a plugin structure to install widgets that can be flexible configured on the page. In my opinion this should be the way template design should be implemented everywhere .
BTW, just because something is "open source" doesn't mean it can be added to just any old script; its license has to allow it (such as the Apache2 license)...
The route I've been trying to get Rick to use is much like what PostNuke/PHPNuke use, which already utilize Smarty (which we're already using)
Features will probably be an updated profile page including a UBB buddy list, visitor comments to the profile itself, and blogs. List of recent blogs on the main profile page, linking to the full blog post with user comments beneath. Some type of user control for the profile owner to edit/delete comments, with the forum admin being able to do so as well.
hmmm... maybe they could be the moderator of their own blog with inline editing of the comments like we do for the mods in the main forums.
BTW, just because something is "open source" doesn't mean it can be added to just any old script; its license has to allow it (such as the Apache2 license)...
The route I've been trying to get Rick to use is much like what PostNuke/PHPNuke use, which already utilize Smarty (which we're already using)
The license used for b2evo is GNU GPL. I don't know if you can use this then, but I am hoping he would seriously take a look at the b2evo skin/widget implementation since it is so easy to use and configure.