This used to be an internal only tool at Microsoft.

[color:green]RichCopy is RoboCopy on steroids[/color]

RichCopy is a free utility that comes to us from Ken Tamaru of Microsoft. The tool was first developed in 2001 and has been updated regularly to keep pace with evolving needs. Trust me when I tell you, this is the answer to all your file copying needs. What you'll find most striking the first time you take RichCopy out for a spin is that it's a multithreaded copying tool. That means that rather than copying one file at a time in serial order, RichCopy can open multiple threads simultaneously, allowing many files to be copied in parallel and cutting the total time required to complete the operation several times over. You can also pause and resume file copy operations, so if you lose network connectivity at any point, you can just pick up where you left off.

What RichCopy does
RichCopy realize high file copy performance by executing multiple copy tasks simultaneously. For example, filtering and comparison engine decide a file should be copied or not while directory search engine enumerate files and directories in source, and file copy engine copies files while filtering and comparison engine evaluating each files and directories. Each task are executed asynchronously, and each task distributes its task to multiple threads. This contributes to minimize the time that a task wait the result of another task. This is the logic of RichCopy and how to get the high performance. Thus the configuration such as cache size, access method (use system cache or not), serialize physical drive access or not and number of threads directly impacts to the copy performance. In order to get best performance between targeted source and destination, those parameters have to be carefully reviewed and configured. Default setting is configured not to minimize the system resource. The other word, it is not high performance configuration. Please change the configuration based on your needs and network and hardware performance.

When to use...
If you often copy many files over low bandwidth or high latency network, RichCopy will be help you relief from your stress an accelerate your daily business. RichCopy remove the issue of low bandwidth and high latency by executing multiple tasks simultaneously and shorten the wait ACK from target machine. There was a cast that RichCopy 8 times faster than XCOPY. Of course it is faster than RoboCopy with more features.