It is tied to the first post & the title of the shared link is the original topic subject.
I've actually changed from using tweetmeme to the twitter button. It's more consistent with the facebook button. Meaning, both have the counter on the right side of the button.
Looks like we just need to put in an option to change the suggested user to follow, after you submit a tweet, so that can be changed in the config file and we should be good.
Okay is this a problem related to 7.5.6? I see a recent post in the ubb6 forum. By Rick. When I select it I get a error that there is a problem. "There was a problem looking up this post in our database. " Or is this a index issue with something deleted?
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
Did that and tried the Twitter and boy did it work well! What about the Facebook link, is it supposed to just show you like it or is it supposed to be able to be linked to the posters Facebook page?
Greg AKA Virgil Earp at the OK Corral Tombstone, AZ
Ummm, perhaps I should check the RIGHT DAMN FACEBOOK ACCOUNT before asking stupid questions....hehehhehe. Posted it just fine on my Facebook page... I think I need a whole lot more sleep and coffee today before attempting anything....LOL
Greg AKA Virgil Earp at the OK Corral Tombstone, AZ
This is controlled by facebook, but you can alter the showflat template and request the dark scheme I believe. Line 142 of templates/default/showflat.tpl you'll see the line that generates the facebook button. On that line you'll see ...colorschema=light&... Change the light to dark
Line 142 of templates/default/showflat.tpl you'll see the line that generates the facebook button. On that line you'll see ...colorschema=light&... Change the light to dark
Ok, maybe I'm still missing something. I just used the "Like" button on my site, and while it did post to my wall, it seems to be only visible if you click on my Profile link and not on the "News Feed" page. Is this correct, and if so, can it be changed so it does show on the new feed?
Greg AKA Virgil Earp at the OK Corral Tombstone, AZ
Hmmm, because it's not going to be seen unless someone checks the profile section. Just trying to find ways to easily get my site and in the near future SITES more exposure via that link, which is still awesome.
Greg AKA Virgil Earp at the OK Corral Tombstone, AZ
When I enter the name of my site, The RV Lovers Home, all Twitter is picking up on is the first word, which doesn't go to my site at all. The link does, but not the site name.
Greg AKA Virgil Earp at the OK Corral Tombstone, AZ
ok, so how do you turn the facebook and tweeter thing on?
so it is just where you said it was, how tricky
Note, that both the facebook and tweet buttons are disabled by default. You can turn them on in the control panel under Display Options -> General -> Topic Display Options.
Ok, I know the problem. My twitter account is for another web site and while this posts to that twitter account it won't render the correct site name/url even though the link is correct. Have to look into a different twitter account for this web site. However, it will work great with my other site when I convert.
Greg AKA Virgil Earp at the OK Corral Tombstone, AZ
Why do i need to put my `Your Twitter Account` name in the Topic Display Options ?
So you can see how many people are tweeting topics and so it also follows the accepted standard etiquette for retweeting.
As an aside, I wouldn't use your personal twitter account for this. Create a twitter account specifically for your site/forum. And better yet, use this new account to tweet all new topics (create a RSS feed fand import it into Google Feedburner so you may use their tweet new posts option.) Shooting the new topics into twitter has helped me generate a lot more traffic and many new users since I started doing this early this year.
Also, the coding thrown into the files should follow the same coding conventions, ie using two tabs vs random spacing, etc; the twitter/fb code just looks like it was quickly thrown together...
Would also like to see the ability (with FaceBook) to: Choose Light/Dark Choose to show Pictures vs Links (see here for example)
Why do i need to put my `Your Twitter Account` name in the Topic Display Options ?
So you can see how many people are tweeting topics and so it also follows the accepted standard etiquette for retweeting.
As an aside, I wouldn't use your personal twitter account for this. Create a twitter account specifically for your site/forum. And better yet, use this new account to tweet all new topics (create a RSS feed fand import it into Google Feedburner so you may use their tweet new posts option.) Shooting the new topics into twitter has helped me generate a lot more traffic and many new users since I started doing this early this year.
I don't wanna get too far off topic here, but how much control is there with Feedburner? Ie, can you specify a Tweet go to a specific forum, or even a specific thread? And am I assuming correctly, that any new Tweet simply starts it's own new thread?
I already have my FB/Twitter accounts sync'd, and have them setup using RSS Graffiti to cross post each other, but integrating our forum would be sweet!
I don't wanna get too far off topic here, but how much control is there with Feedburner? Ie, can you specify a Tweet go to a specific forum, or even a specific thread? And am I assuming correctly, that any new Tweet simply starts it's own new thread?
It doesn't create topics on your forum. You use your RSS feeds and Feedburner (or other similar services) to promote new topics (and/or replies) on Twitter.
The added plus with using Feedburner is it will help get the new posts indexed in Google much faster and also show up in google's twitter search results.
I don't wanna get too far off topic here, but how much control is there with Feedburner? Ie, can you specify a Tweet go to a specific forum, or even a specific thread? And am I assuming correctly, that any new Tweet simply starts it's own new thread?
It doesn't create topics on your forum. You use your RSS feeds and Feedburner (or other similar services) to promote new topics (and/or replies) on Twitter.
The added plus with using Feedburner is it will help get the new posts indexed in Google much faster and also show up in google's twitter search results.
Ahhh, I see! I had it backwards (unfortunately!)...I do the same thing manually now, never thought of automating it.
There is an RSS Content Creator over at UBBDev, I use it on UGN to syndicate news from CNN's Tech pages.
I took a peek...very interesting! Something else for me to find a use for! LOL!!
Question, though: is there a *tidy* way to post RSS info-->my forum, in a specific thread?
E.g., we have a big car show/event coming up... using my smartphone while at the event I had planned on posting info/pictures to our club's Twitter account, which will bounce it to our club's Facebook page also via would be slick if the "RSS creator" could simply add it to an ongoing thread. Am I asking too much?
Question, though: is there a *tidy* way to post RSS info-->my forum, in a specific thread?
Well, the rss content creator takes an RSS/xml feed and posts the description as the content and the title as the subject
I should have said "RSS info-->my forum, into a continuous thread"...that is, all my Tweets from the "Supercar Reunion 13" go into a single "Supercar Reunion 13" thread.
I can't think of a way this could possibly work, because it has no way to pull the current thread info from you site for you to select...????
Easiest way would be to just throw up a temporary sub-forum and setup the RSS info from there.
I'm assuming it should increment with each Tweet? (Mine doesn't.)
I have entered my account name into the admin panel.
Something I noticed and had to change when setting it up yesterday: leave off the "@" from your account name...I entered mine as "@yenkoclub", and noticed that it was going through as "@@yenkoclub". Probably pretty obvious to most, but it took my typical 2 tries to get it...with that said, my Tweet counter isn't changing either.
here is a question from a user. it might be answered already, if so, can one kind person clue me in? i am not a facebook expert... gracias...
How come the facebook link only has like and not share?
This statement found on Facebook Developer might have something to do with it:
We don't recommend the Share button for new developers. If you aren't already using the Share button, we recommend you use the Like button and Open Graph protocol instead of Share for sharing pages from your website. The Like button is simpler to user and is the recommended solution moving forward.
Like when FB dropped the "Fan" button, it looks like they're moving everything over to "Like"...
Yeah, I'm with you. Mine does the same - but the '0' box just doesn't reflect the number of tweets
Odd...I hit the "0" next to the Tweet box and it opened a window to Twitter but gave me a "no real time results" message...went back to the thread I had Tweeted, and it now displays "1"...did a refresh, and it went back to "0"...!
Well, not meaning to be disrespectful of Rick's hard work but after a few days of trying this I've decided to disable it and go back to having my buttons displayed in the post. At least this way I can keep track of its usage throughout the whole site.
Then post here if you do so we can get an idea of how many tweets there have been and do a bit of debugging. We've added a couple parameters they suggest such as the tweet-counturl, so we'll see if that has any effect.
Just something I noticed, and it may be correct, but when you hit the Tweet number it opens the following url: OR http%3A//
The "OR" in the middle + the 2 url's look odd...and then you get "No real-time results for...[above url]?
So apparently, the api has some issues with items that can have multiple pages and different urls to each page, even when the url is forced to the main topic/post. Seems like that is why most that have this already only have it on the main forum page and not on individual topics.
Not sure if they will expand on this to allow for cases like forums, but I've inquired.
I don't know if it's been reported, but the Facebook "Like" button seems to be broken. It's not working here or on my 2 sites...Hmmm. Tweet seems to still be working.
Greg AKA Virgil Earp at the OK Corral Tombstone, AZ
How do I change the "recommends you follow: Mindraven Hosting" in the twitter pop up box.
How about in "Control Panel/Display Options/Topic Display Options/Your Twitter Account". You just input your Twitter account name and it will then show up as being "Tweeted" from your forum.
Greg AKA Virgil Earp at the OK Corral Tombstone, AZ
@ gliderdad that worked perfectly. I modified it to our twitter account. Maybe the option to recommend users to follow should be added in the next version.
@ GregK, the page I was referring to is the one that is after you tweet a page. It is in the pop-up window. Thanks
In the latest update (7.5.6pl), which files are changed? In the install/UPGRADE_changes.txt are the same files noted as in version 7.5.6. Could you please give a list of updated files because I have a large number of files that are modded, and I don't want to edit/mod them all again.
If you download the patch: ubbthreads-7-5-5p1 you will see the changed files.
Well, I'm assuming that's correct as it is the latest patch available.
Edit: I just noticed that the file dates in the 7-5-5p1 folder are dated 23 sept - so I guess it's the correct file to use.
Shouldn't the patch be renamed to 7-5-6p1 ?
there is a ubbthreads-7-5-6p1 there in the list in the members area download -- the order on the right is kinda not ordered with most recent version on top..
I see the tweet button here above the quick reply box. I don't see the fb like button though. Am I just overlooking it? (Wouldn't be the first time I missed something staring me in the face! )