I dunno where else to post this; this looked like as good a place as any since it is a success story.

Last night we had a new user go nuts on us. They posted as many vulgar and useless threads as they could as fast as they could, for a total of well over 20 before an admin stepped in and banned the account.

Our moderators were all over him/her, deleting and in some cases saving posts as fast as they could. Most of the posts didn't survive even a minute.

One post was a series of GDHGDHGDH to the far right in what looked like an attempt to do some sort of stack overflow to get control of root????

UBB held up well, thank you very much and we will be taking the usual channels to report abuse to the miscreant's ISP.

With the sole exception of logging IP addresses for guests somewhere, UBB appears to be well set up for forensic investigation of that which matters when trying to nail a jerk.