I am assuming you have the UBB required tags missing in the island or placed in the wrong area where you can mix php and html. That is why I mentioned to post the code.
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
It will be a couple hours more until I get home I grabbed amazon affiliate code for a thumbnail photo and put it were it should be. It was In a iframe Code. Iwas going to use it in the left column Got the error and now I seem to get error simply taking another custom island and changing a letter or word in a sentence. Something is wrong
Because the island has bad code so it affects all the islands till you fix it. What will confuse you is the error says portal-box-52. But when you goto custom islands it may or may not have the same number. That is why I said to post content from the php file. To make sure we are dealing with the bad island. Remember that the default tags need to be kept in place. And php needs to be in a separate area from html code. Because the error says line 4 I am assuming you placed the iframe in the php section instead of the html section. Look at the sample text below.(included in v7.7.4 above where you make a entry). If the error was in the html section it would be in around line 6 with this sample If it was posted above the $body = <<<EOF or below the EOF; it would be incorrect. Because it is a html tag
the php body of your custom box here
$body = <<<EOF
the html body of your custom box here
Last edited by Ruben; 10/18/20203:24 PM. Reason: added comment
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
Ruben I cannot do anything in the Portal & Islands section not in Portal, Column layout, Post islands, Custom islands etc. I keep getting the Parsi error: syntax error, unexpected 'php' (T_STRING) in /xxxx/xxx/xxxx/xxxxx/cache_builders/custom/portal_box_52.php on line 4 message.
I remember putting the Amazon code in the html section of the new cuptom island I created, but Have changed it now by editing the file in on the server via ftp /cache_builders/custom/portal_box_52.php
Dang I have no clue except I must have broken something when creating the island.
You'll need to post the raw contents of the file specified (/xxxx/xxx/xxxx/xxxxx/cache_builders/custom/portal_box_52.php) in order to have us troubleshoot why its not working.
It sounds like you entered <?php in the custom island editor; items in the editor are already an open PHP file, so no <?php ?> should be needed (when using the editor). Note that when opening the file outside of the editor you'll see the standard <?php ?> at the beginning/end of the file.
That looks like a stock file; what does the one you edited look like... It should be this on your local system (if this is the line from your error log): /cache_builders/custom/portal_box_52.php
When I created the new custom island it gave an error mentioned in OP I edited the file portal_box_52.php direct in the ftp program via view/edit in that software
but beware I cannot change any file not even Control Panel >>Portal & Islands>> Portal and no islands either it gives same error message
I think I screwed up using my small iPhone instead of using my computer. My feedback to Isaac is that after creating the new custom island with the faulty pasting it made the Whole portal show same error message not only the created island
I think I screwed up using my small iPhone instead of using my computer. My feedback to Isaac is that after creating the new custom island with the faulty pasting it made the Whole portal show same error message not only the created island
That is correct. And there is a warning on the Custom Portal Island editor about that exactly.
The warning reads:
Warning: Invalid PHP code that has syntax errors can result in breaking the entire portal.
The control panel does not use any code from custom islands, so you should be able to visit the control panel and correct your php syntax errors.
[FIXED] CP: Fixed the long-standing bug of the Whos Online list being empty when an additional new line (blank line) was added to the end of the Robots/Crawlers (Search Engines) list.
Thank You I guess I never noticed because I always check for blank spaces and goto the end and and press delete to clear out same every time I edit it.
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
I think I finally figured out Morgans issue. He literally used the example code in the island note and placed the text to be replaced in the island code. Such as : 1.the php body of your custom box here 2.the html body of your custom box here
Item one would break the island because it is not php code and should have been deleted (left blank) because PHP was not used for the island. This is just a notation of where you would place your php code. Item two would work if left in the code because it would be accepted. But it would display "the html body of your custom box here" in the island. Again this text should have been deleted and if needed replaced with the actual html code desired.
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
Ruben you are pretty much right, I used my iPhone 6S which is small and when pasting the amazon code I must have done something wrong with my thick fingers which gave the initial error. I probably then copied and pasted the example code and it still did not work so I created this thread asking for help. During the process I noticed the text "the php body of your custom box here" and deleted it and suddenly it worked. Next step was to replace the "the html body of your custom box here" text with a proper code and it worked as intended.
Thanks to this thread and Rubens replies it got my brain thinking correctly and you know what it happened in the past too.
Thanks to everyone who chipped in with thoughts!🙏👍
PS now I need to get confidence and knowledge how to upgrade from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7.. but that's another thread..