I'm trying to figure out how I can post a Twitter video in a comment.
The choices I see that I have are Google, Myspace, Yahoo and Youtube Video
Youtube makes sense to have, not sure why Myspace is an option as I don't know anyone that still uses myspace and I've never used google/yahoo.
Any help appreciated. This is the video I want.......
https://twitter.com/DrGuru_/status/1498082643396624389?t=Wh_VrBy2CI-zCPpl6uwUEw&s=09of which I converted on Twitter Video Download site to
https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1498081188434436098/pu/vid/720x720/JjuAksJcBluIUkeZ.mp4?tag=12Please and Thank You in advance.
Perhaps this option can be added with the next upgrade and myspace and others can be removed and replaced with more modern sites.