Originally posted by Hal:
[qb]Download the new UBB manual and read the moving (transfer) instructions very carefully.

http://www.infopop.com/ubb_support/support_ubb_instructions.html [/qb]
Hal I have and so far everything is going great. The ISP gave me a new spot on an Apache server. I installed a registered virgin version of 5.47e and everything works.

The next steps are (after doing a backup) is to delete the test BB, have my ISP copy over the 80MB of files in my cgi-bin and ubb dorectories while preserving the directory structures. I go in and set file and directory privs and then open General Settings as a first time install and change all of the parameters for path etc. Since I have it all figured out now it should go fairly easy.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.