A followup note. The main reason this features has taken so long to get in, is I don't want to end up having it compromise functionality for speed.

At this point, with security levels: If a user does not have permission to read a board, they will not know if that board exists in the forum list. This can be done quickly because when doing the query we only select forums with a security level equal or lower than the users.

With the new groups. This really will not be a possibility. Otherwise there would have to be an extra query for each board to see what group can read the board and what group the board is in. And if you have quite a few boards, this will lead to a lot of extra queries.

So, what it looks like right now is a user will be able to see all of the various forums but when they try to enter one, it will then check their groups against the allowed groups and see if they have the proper permissions, and if not it will let them know.

This isn't set it stone yet. I'm still trying to work a better way, but if all else fails that is the way it will end up for now.
