<font color=blue>ADMIN REQUESTS</font color=blue>

Search for users by User Title -- Our users are allowed custom titles. It would be nice to be able to search (without doing a MySQL prompt) to make sure someone's request isn't already in use. I'd imagine this could also be useful for those using the standard (or similar) ranking system.

Search for users by IP -- Easily identify users using multiple usernames

Ability to move individual posts -- Either to a different board or within the same board, to make it either its own new thread or a reply to a different thread. Should also be an option to make all replies to the post in question follow along, or not.

More buttons on posts for quicker editing -- That is, posts should have buttons to "Reply," "Edit," "Delete," and "Approve" (when applicable).

Expire thread button available when editing a post

Listing of unapproved posts in Admin panel with checkboxes for approval or deletion -- I think this may have already been added?

Show Statistics -- Beef it up, such as:

Total # of users
Total users registered in past 30 days
Average # of users registered per week
Total # of posts in each forum
Total # of posts in past 30 days
Average # of posts per week
Average # of posts per day of week
# posts today
# new users today
# PMs sent today
# PMs sent last 30 days
Average # PMs sent per week

Ability to edit email messages --

- Forgotten passwords
- PM notification
- Reply notification
- New users (Welcome email and Welcome PM)

Custom rights for moderators

Optons for how to treat new users -- Such as options to:

-- Do nothing (treat them as normal)
-- Require approval before user is officially registered
-- Require post approval for first X (admin decides how many) posts
     -- Ability to exclude a certain board(s) from this requirement, so that if you have a Test Board, they can post there without approval
-- Only X (admin decides how many) posts allowed in first day or week of posting. Time period should begin from the first post they make, not from when they register or even first log in. Some trolls don't jump right in.

<font color=blue>HACKS THAT SHOULD BE ADDED IN</font color=blue>

I'm using all of these, but it would be nice to see them in the main distribution...

Option to edit a post without "Edited by Admin...." being added. -- Should be configurable whether only admins get the option, or whether moderators should also be given a choice.</b>

"Login as user" option when viewing user profile

Option to notify admin (by email) of new user registration

Ability to change usernames when editing a user's profile

<font color=blue>ADMIN BUGS</font color=blue>

-- If you go to "Delete Old Messages" and accidentally leave the "Number of days" field blank, then hit Submit, all PMs will be deleted. Found this out the hard way. My users nearly lynched me.

-- I'm guessing that the above might also happen with "Delete Inactive Users," but I'm not about to test it and find out.

-- One of my moderators clicked in "Unban Hostname" in his browser History, and the system attempted to unban a "blank" user. That is, all the moderators got a notification that " " had been unbanned.

-- In other words, it looks like most or all of these types of admin options don't check to make sure that there's a variable filled in. They really should.