I totally agree with al lof nemesis23's ideas!

His specific list of reports is EXACTLY what I would hope to see down the road. Nice list there.

I'd like to add two similar items:

An option to toggle a User as a special guest or not...
In our forums we have a great many user accounts that represent game companies and other professionals. In the past simply editing their title and changing their name color was enough. I think there should be a checkbox option in the user profile that marks the user as “Special Guest” or “VIP” if you will. The titles and colors could still be edited manually. The primary reason for this option goes hand-in-hand with my next suggestion.

An option to RESET ALL titles in the database
This option would take and reset ALL account titles. It would be used to verify the number of posts the users have made, then give them the title appropriate for that post count. This option would allow the script to go through each and every account, reset the title to the proper title. The only accounts exempt from this reset would be accounts that have been tagged as “VIP”. Thus preserving their special titles.

This feature is critical for sites that decide to change the titles used on their forums. Lets say you change them all around completely, the way the system works now, your users are STUCK with the old titles until they reach that next plateau in the titles file (i.e. 1000 posts). This system would allow for changes to the title system whether by adding a few titles or changing them altogether. At the same time, the new “VIP” option would preserve those you never wish to see changed.

I currently have a great need for this type of system on our forums and I totally forgot to include it in my previous posts.

Jhariden (aka Strategist)
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://boards.stratics.com>Stratics Forums</A>