Originally Posted by Rick
If you send out a PM to all of them, the DB would need to insert 25,000 rows into 3 different tables.

Hmm, so a long message would have to be basically copied and inserted 25,000 times into the DB, even though the message content would be the same for all recipients?

How could we make the admin PM look like any other PM in the list, but without the possibility of replying to it?

What if the admin could compose the message and it would be stored only in one place in the db, so each time a user checked his inbox this message would be pulled centrally (since the content would be the same for all users)? And then similarly to a regular PM the message would either be new/read/deleted by a user, so just a quick 0/1/2 type of setting?

The number of database entries might be the same, but the content of the message would no longer have to be copied over and over into everyone's inbox.

This should take the server overload out of the picture as we occasionally use db queries anyway to toggle yes/no-type settings for all board users at once.