I agree we don't have the right to force others to quit, as long as it doesn't affect me and they foot the bill for their healthcare when the tobacco does what it does - don't force me to pay higher premiums to help pay for those who'd 'rather fight than quit' (old old commercial reference for those under 40 wink ). I do understand most insurance companies require higher premiums for smokers, but not all and I don't think it completely covers it, especially when it comes to medicare/medicaid.

That said, I don't think smoking is any worse than obesity when it comes to long-term health issues - don't eat twinkies in the same room as me either if you are >25kg overweight.

Have I touched everyone's nerve yet? wink It's about personal responsibility for one's choices, whether it's skoal or quarter-pounders with cheese. I admire anyone who takes up that challenge and kicks its butt, like navaho and SK.

- Allen
- ThreadsDev | PraiseCafe