Originally Posted by ChAoS
that works ONE time. but if you then edit that particular style, it will grab the DB stuff and all your nice text edits are gonzo. that's why you'll see what looks like multiple copies of xxxx.css in your styles folder..

Lol , yeah thats what happened the first time and thats how I lost my originals. I still need a copy of the default DB's if anyone has them please smile

I think I am having an issue similar to what I've seen described in this thread.

I've edited my original theme and uploaded to a test environment under a new theme name, and the bulk of the style is applied. However, some of the pages are still pulling the stylesheet referenced by the last theme. I know this because I can see through a FireFox plug in that the name of stylesheet being referenced contains the name of the deleted theme as apposed to other pages which now reference a stylesheet containing the name of the newer updated theme. I can see no rhyme or reason why the old stylesheet should be referenced at all (the older theme was deleted). Am I correct in thinking it could be due to a database cacheing issue?

Unfortunately the links to my test environment won't work outside the office so I can't show examples.
I just want to be sure I won't encounter these problems when attempting to push the new style live, or be able to quickly address them if they are encountered.
