Hi - I recently purchased UBB Threads and I needed a 'feature / Script / Cron Job' or something ( without costing me an arm and a leg ) that allows me to :

1. Automatically checks at a specified time on a regular basis:
to see if in any of the Forums or Sub...Sub-Forums,
with the exception of listed 'Forums or Sub...Sub-Forums'
contained within file name: 'FileExceptionA1' and PRIVATE 'Forums or Sub...Sub-Forums'

- do they have any NEW post(s) added to them since last Run-cycle.

If yes, then parse through these 'Forum(s) or Sub...Sub-Forum(s)' which match the above description, and send a single consolidated email, 'EmailA1' to all the users of 'UBB threads'

'EmailA1' should contain Forum name(s) if any and within them the subject name(s) if any (as web-links) - for the new post(s) of current Run-cycle, and also including 'x' number of characters ( equivalent to roughly two lines ) beneath the Subject name link(s).

2. Automatically check on a specified time on a regular basis - to see if in the specified 'Forum(s) or Sub...Sub-Forum(s)', contained within file name: 'FileB1', if any new post(s) exist since the last Run-cycle, and if so then send another email, 'EmailB1' : a textual version of the post(s) - to all the users of UBB threads. If 'FileB1' is empty then 'EmailB1' should not be sent.

3. File name: 'FileC1' contains specified 'Forum(s) or Sub...Sub-Forum(s)' and along side each one of these Name(s), is another list of Sub-Name(s) containing 'Forum(s) or Sub...Sub-Forum(s)'. So the order would be something like:

Name [delimiter A] Sub-Name(s) ( seperated by [delimiter(s) B] [Carriage Return] ) ...... Name [delimiter A] Sub-Name(s) ( seperated by [delimiter(s) B] [Carriage Return] )

Automatically check on a specified time on a regular basis - to see for each specified Name : meaning 'Forum or Sub...Sub-Forum', listed within 'FileC1', if any post(s) exist within it, then for each Name send an email containing the Full-Post(s) to all the Sub-Names ( meaning 'Forum(s) or Sub...Sub-Forum(s)' ) that are paired with that Name

If Sub-Name has the value 'GLOBAL' then the Full-Post(s) within Name should be sent to All the users of UBB threads.

Also the ability to Manually perform this operation at any time by a Remote-Admin, dynamically such that the 'Name and Sub-Name(s)' pairs can be provided as a parameters - is also a requirement.

4. Automatically check on a specified time on a regular basis for a list of all the Users who do not want an email to be sent out and produce a list of these users contained within a file named 'UserEmailExceptions' and send an email containing this list to the Admin.

5. I do not know if this is possible, but is there a way to automate the process of dealing with emails that bounce back, and is this a problem as far as the web-hosting company is concerned.

If anyone can get back to me with any comments and quotes for how much it would cost - I would be very grateful indeed.

Many thanks,

[The world is big enough for everyone - so be HAPPY smile ]