Hi there, I am getting really frustrated with this, have been trying to work it out for hours now and need some more help please.

I understand about making a copy of the sample.inc.php and then renaming it but I am not understanding how to or where to "edit the following lines:

33. Change page_sample_gpc to page_chat_gpc
59. Change page_sample_run to page_chat_run
79. Change PAGE TITLE to Chat (or whatever page title you want)
86. After <<<BREADCRUMB press enter to drop to a new line and type Chat (line 87)
93. Change sample to chat (this is what your template will be called in the next stage)"

How do I do this? Where do I find this text to edit?
I am using frontPage for editing websites which is php enabled but when I open the renamed sample file it doesnt have any of the above text in it!! I am so confused. I will only be using the new pages I eventually create for instructions etc nothing fancy.

The only way I get anywhere near to seeing what I actually want is by opening a page of my forums and then in the web browser I can clicking file and 'edit with MS Frontpage' then the whole page opens in Frontpage and I could in fact edit it all there and save the file with a new name but then I wouldnt know quite where to save it. I assume in those 3 directories of scripts, languages and templates???.... Does anyone know if this would work?

Appreciate anyone's help.