Ruben, again, i appreciate the help during this difficult period.

Originally Posted by Ruben
Well let me say this. I will agree the documentation for classic was better that threads. Probably due to the software had matured a bit more than threads has at this point. But the classic Admin guide never matched up exactly to each version either. So what you can access here is as close as it ever was. 6.2 to 6.7 was just some minor nit noid fixes and maybe some small enhancements.

So I don't see any advantage in trying to find a guide for 6.2 it wont help anymore than what documentation is currently available. In fact I think you will find the last documentation released for 6.7.3 is not much different than what it was for 6.0

Well that's most helpful. Based on that info I know imagine that utilizing the 6.4, 6.3 or 6.1 could help me greatly.

I don't even know how to do a backup.

Do I have to shut the forum down to do a backup? Can i just do it without drawing any attention to it?

Originally Posted by Ruben
...but I guess if you don't have total control over a site then you have to do what you are doing.

It's a bit more complicated than that. I have control, now. But i'm careful about using it, for a couple of reasons.

Ruben, i'm sending a PM to you.