Another point that is worth mentioning that relates to Become This Member, is that Admin team members have the ability to see the actions of other admin team members within the Admin logs. If an admin needs to troubleshoot a problem for a member, that actually requires becoming them, it will appear in the logs. If you use the function, you become someone, troubleshoot and get immediately back out again.

I think that matters of privacy and the integrity of the admins is the most important thing to consider when inviting someone on to the team - you have to know you can trust them with the privacy of your membership.

On our board, we are committed to respecting and safeguarding people's privacy and there is no circumstance under which we would violate that trust. I wouldn't want to belong to a board that did! If our members didn't feel that they could trust the admin team, then I don't think they'd stay on very long. I guess that may depend too on the type of board (but it is particularly important on ours, which is a health-related site).