Right Gizmo a backup and restore runs fairly quickly on my server. I also do these things at 4am so they're fairly quiet. I do get 20 million pageviews a month on the main server, so it's not zero traffic, but heck the visitors just have to learn with occasional outages. Otherwise I could never upgrade anything, and that would be bad smile. They can live with a short while of no-site.

I figure life is too short to panic over something like a down server. Yes, it's down. And I'll get it back up. We've had hard drives fail, network trunk lines go out, snowstorms take out the entire city, and a plethora of other issues over the years. Eventually the site comes back up, and life goes on.

But yes I always have a backup. Even if the entire server melts - which has happened - my hosting facility rebuilds me a new one in a few hours, we load up the data again, and we're OK. At most we lose a few days of data, which is a pain, but we can live with it.

Lisa Shea, owner, BellaOnline.com
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