Brian, on first glance it looks like you've had this exact problem since at least September 2021.
Prior to that, you had issues with your hosting company (hostbaby) since January 2020.

Your site looks like the result of an incorrectly configured webserver, utility, or 3rd party program which is processing your websites output. It is stripping several required HTML elements ( such as <, >, and " ) from the output, and modifying JavaScript content.

Did the issue first present itself right after a software upgrade? Did you replace all the files as required?

It could be possible that you are also attempting to load a severly outdated library, plugin, or utility on the server backend. possibly even a server scripting configuration or htaccess setting.

Log in to your hosting account and restore the configuration settings to those of when your webpages were displaying correctly. My advice is to contact your webhost for support with this unique issue.

unrelated notes:
you are also attempting to use the 3rd party JavaScript software urchin.js/urchinTracker oin all of your pages. That software has been discontinued (EOL) since 2012.

Your installed versions:
UBB.threads 7.6.0 (released 2017)
Smarty 2.6 (PHP 5.4 to 5.6)

Current versions:
UBB.threads 7.7.5 (current)
Smarty 3.1.36 (PHP 5.4 to 7.4)

Current developer of UBB.threads PHP Forum Software
Current Release: UBBT 7.7.5 // Preview: UBBT 8.0.0
isaac @ // my forum @