I tried the database collation conversion tool, and here is what happened:

If seemed like it was working to start. It logged what it was doing, and all the log lines had green checkmarks.The first log line is:

ALTER TABLE ubbt_ADMIN_LOG MODIFY `LOG_IP` varchar(46) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci..... ....

... then it went through other tables in alphabetical order, but ended on the 26th one:

ALTER TABLE ubbt_PAYPAL_DATA MODIFY `SUBSCR_DATE` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general......
..... ..... .... ........ ...... 4_general_ci, MODIFY `OPTION_SELECTION1`

That all happened really fast, then the page spinned for about 30 seconds and stopped.

When I examine the tables now, I see that earlier tables are indeed utf8mb4, however some tables are not. For example, `POSTS` and `STYLES` DO have utf8mb4 columns, while `TOPICS` does NOT.

There was no mysql error log created or otherwise no other indication of an error.

So my question, is this expected, or did the script fail for me?