Sorry I just re-read what... *scratches head* I don't know how the hell I messed that up lol... I guess proof reading is a good thing.

Here's my points:

1. JavaScript isn't the only method to grab cookies..
JavaScript is just the 1 method that I found for THIS forum.. Other forums or products will have their problems also I'm sure...

2. Cookies can be insecure..
Just because it's the programmers fault, doesn't make it any less secure....... Does it? Nope it's not the cookies fault that your un-encrypted password is sitting there in a cookie.... It's the progammer who put it there.. But forget about blame.. it's still there right? And there are still potential ways for somebody to get to that information right???! That is a good enough reason for -some- (not all) people to turn off cookies.. If you want to be as secure as possible (a complete security freak) then turning off cookies is a must...

No matter how you look at it, cookies CAN store sensative data that other people CAN get into if they know what they are doing AND the end user doesn't have much to do about it since it is all done behind the scense (little or no user interaction)..... That's a security risk.. Yeah it's a low one for the most part, but it's still a security risk.. So some people disable their cookies for that reason. Other people disable them because they hate being tracked by banner ad companies.

Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg