I personally don't understand people who don't use cookies. Everyone _can_ use cookies...it's been in since Netscape 1.1. Unless they're using Lynx or something similar (which still supports cookies, I think)...
Regardless...cookies are so entirely harmless, that I have no pity for anyone who doesn't use them. It's a wonderful way to use functions like w3t and it doesn't store anything that wasn't available to the site in the first place.
Since sessions are only once per browser session, they really do the user almost no good! The only thing they do for the user is...well...nothing! You still have to login every time you come to the site, and the best way to handle the user being logged in or not is with cookies. Unless someone can come up with any good reason not to use cookies, I see no reason to spend even a minute on sessions...

Flame away, privacy advocates! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />