You can say a thousand times over that this board is good for support use, but I don't think it's smart to use this board when it's clearly not what your consumers want. People are not just making this stuff up. When a potential customer is looking into buying a product, the first thing they likely want to see is the product in action. The board must be the latest version and out of the box. It shouldn't have *any* modifications that won't be available options when the product is installed. It is absolutely vital that this exists. I have been shopping for a board for months. If W3T hadn't had their support forum running W3T I probably wouldn't have bought it. I registered a name so that I could mess around with the options and I looked at the forums with the most posts. I wanted to see how a forum handles high traffic and what gets more traffic than a support board? I looked at a few of the listed sites that were running W3T, but many were outdated versions and those that weren't were likely to be customized. In my opinion, support forums are the best way to evaluate a potential product. They are also very useful for explaining and showing people how certain features work. It's much easier to help people when you're in an arena that you are familiar with.