An update -

I contacted Groupee - wanted to get answers to the obvious questions..and I explained that money is not an issue for my forums - I am probably pretty unique in that I turn away at least $50-75K a year in banner revenue, simply because I don't want / need it (It'll make sense in a minute)- but on the other hand, I can probably easily (!) cover any fees Groupee or anyone would need to give me what I want..

Well.... sad to say, they promised to call, and promised to call, and ... ?? never did

Is this what customers can expect..


As soon as I'm done with chemo (this is my second big time with it) I will be going forward with something, my forums continue to grow. I do have a team of more than 20 moderators helping me, but I have realistically on 1 or 2 years before my cancer ends all this fun..

Groupee - sounded interesting, but since they won't answer my questions via email, and promise to call but never do....

What the heck???