Agree conrad - the cp is the least of my sorrows actually. Only the 'close boards' feature is totally in the wrong place. It should be somewhere really really really really obvious.

I'd be willing to fork out a new look for the control panel together with anyone interested, but I'm also not planning on working without anyone's consent and certainly not in parallel with infopop. They probably have a bunch of stuff on their desk and I'm 100% sure this must be one of them. I also know from experience that these things often get bypassed in favour of the more easy, less time- and brainconsuming things to be done. So no blame there. It's just pretty obvious there's a lot to be done. In fact, infopop has done the greatest thing going for a serious mySQL based board. And we all realise there's a lot of power in here and databases are THE way to go. Just needs to gets a bit more focus on optimisation, as well as internally as externally.

No need to worry though - we're on the right path. And I've put my trust in infopop since a good 6 years and they're never proven my wrong. Keep it up guys!

- Kayjey -