Lil history lesson is called for. Classic â„¢ existed for several years prior to the aquisition of wwthreads. It is indeed being upgraded as we speak (I'm a beta tester). To compare them to each other currently is not really fair. As for features missing in threads that Classic â„¢ has, some will be added, some won't, in as much as there are certains things you can do in perl that are not as easy in php/mysql. That said, Threads â„¢ is the other white meat, in that it offers more in the way of load handling as well as upward mobility. Both serve their intended purpose, but just like trading in the old two seater for a mini van happens to families, so it follows that there will come a time to upgrade to Threads â„¢ or Open Topic â„¢ etc..

-- UBB â„¢ customizer, webdesigner and custom graphics creator.
Creator of the JCTemplates used in the ubb.classic â„¢ software. Addons & Graphics
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