I agree Charles... I have witnessed NOTHING of what Shanga is reporting - I believe he has a software conflict with something else he is running.

As far as I can see I've saved disk space, bandwidth and load. Not a peep from my ISP...

EDIT: To give you some quick numbers - I've been running now for 5 days now... my ENTIRE site STILL sits confortably at 162 Mb... down about 35 Mb from BEFORE my install.

almost 57% of the pages are being viewed through the accelerator... and I've had no issues at all.

Shanga: Please understand I am not trying to annoy you or bug you - but I MUST post the success that I am currently enjoying with the new format/caching because I NEVER want to see it removed! Before I has to regularly prune my forums, now I have plenty of space to let them grow even larger! I've even had comments on how fast the site runs now! Work with Charles and see if you can't identify what on your server is set wrong - because this feature is one of the best ever added to the UBB!

[This message was edited by Bomberman on 08 Nov 01 at 07:46 AM.]