Help i have a problem frown

Its either something stupid or something worse?

I'm in at root and i'm running the command just to test
the paths before a start any scripts.

I get this error and a google search shows 5 results frown

mysqldump: Got error: 1103: Incorrect table name 'test.sql' when doing LOCK TABLES

To get that error i'm typing in the following.
User name and passwords are changed.

mysqldump -uXXXX -p1234 my_table test.sql

Ive been trying to sort it for hours now frown

My Table name does have something similar too


but that's it?

i can connect in via the command line.
and if i run the mysqldump with out a file name
mysqldump -uXXXX -p1234 my_table
it wizzes past my screen in Putty and stops thankfully.

Any ideas Help !?

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