There, that's better.

I decided to have a go at quitting smoking and I'm now on my 10th week but I can't understand why it's still so damn difficult. The first week or two seemed easier than it is now. I admit that initially you do get an immediate benefit from not smoking but as the weeks go by you soon forget about that.

I've smoked for 22 years on and off, avg 10 to 15 a day, but decided that enough was enough and wanted to be smoke free by my 40th birthday in January. I did quit about 8 years ago and stayed off them for 12 months but started up again for some reason. When I quit last time I don't remember it being this hard. Maybe it's just an age thing and another 8 years of smoking on top.

I know it's the right thing to do and I'm determined to keep on going no matter what but it's a pretty miserable existence at the moment. Bah Humbug!