I visit a LOT of boards using all types of software and I find that many are similar and as Rick says some of it is just plain personal preference. Some sites have neat features and some are just plain worse than others.

The fact that the actual person writing the software is here to listen and support you for FREE is amazing. On a couple of the major boards I've been too in the support area you only get other users and not actual programmers helping you.

phpBB has a nice feature where it checks for posts before comitting your new post and alerts and shows you the new post so that the above from Gizmo would not happen, or it could be modified to fit if needed.

But that is the nature of the beast and all software that has ongoing feature additions where one has something the other does not.

The 7.3 and 7.4 feature list looks fantastic compared to 7.2 which has many new features already, but as Gizmo says 7.x was a new version and there are still items being added or modified that users want and ask for.

I think in the long run UBBT will have more features at a cheaper cost than most of the other major boards, but that's (IMHO)