I responded to your ticket right after you submitted it. You put in the ticket at 1:12 PM, I responded at 1:37 PM. Will copy/paste here:


Something seems to have gone awry with the way you uploaded the files. If you look at all of your files, there are multiple line breaks between each line of code. There are even linebreaks before the opening PHP tag everywhere.

So, what happens is view the source of any of your pages, you'll see a big block of blank lines before the opening html tag.

When PHP tries to generate an image, it sends an image header and then the image code itself. Since you have all of those blank lines being spit out, it sends the image header, but then sends all those blank lines before the image code, so it can never be a valid image.

What you're going to need to do is reupload all of the files and make sure that those spaces aren't there at all. It seems to be especially bad with the files in your libs directory, but it's also a problem in other directories as well.