Hmmm I've tried all sorts of combinations on the 7 instances of htmlspecialchars in None seem to change the end results. I thought this would work -

//$old_smiley = htmlspecialchars($code);
$old_smiley = htmlspecialchars($code, ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8');

but no luck. I tried it with the old ISO code, with ENT_SUBSTITUTE, and other options. I would have thought if the database is now UTF-8 and the page's charset is UTF-8 that the default setting of htmlspecialchars to UTF-8 would match that.

Totally commenting out all the htmlspecialchars calls didn't help either, so I'm less certain it's those causing the problem.

I'm seeing suggestions to force the client into the same mode -

mysql_query ("set character_set_client='utf8'");
mysql_query ("set character_set_results='utf8'");
mysql_query ("set collation_connection='utf8_general_ci'");

I'll see if I can do that to test.

Last edited by BellaOnline; 12/25/2012 5:33 PM.

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