Here I am with some new thoughts. see its as what it is thoughts.
Just want things to be more clear and don't want to clutter

Gizmo said
in this case we opted to move the post sharing and report post options to a post management dropdown to the right of the post in a downward chevron (ultimately exactly like Facebook, Nextdoor, Twitter, etc) versus adding multiple new buttons which will skew the design and make it look more cluttered.

Ok I get that, what I see now is that one can either use the existing buttons at the bottom right (Like, Reply, Quote) and in some cases it also read (Edit) first.
and our regular new or old members one has also to look up to the right corner and click on the downward chevron before discover the extra menu.

One thought is If I use a cursor could it be changed so that it is an onload feature so I see it the menu just by pointing at it?

Also I wonder would it be possible to actually use a "downward chevron button" or "More" button to the right of the other buttons instead?
This way one would not have to use more buttons and clutter.
The positive would be that all options are at the same place down to right of ea post.

I hope you understand what I try to explain as you know English is not my first lingo.
Just trying to give my and my members feedback.
Cheers and thanks.

Morgan Johansson
BritBike Forum