I have been looking at this for several hours today and spent some time last night trying to just obtain a copy of your database...
- The UBB.threads backup utility fails after exporting some data, "You don't have permission to access this resource."
- I found and installed 3 PHP backup scripts, all error out 500 when attempting to access system commands to write a database dump
- The SQLYog tunnel provides a 1010 error, which generally would indicate a "Error dropping database" error message in MySQL (which since this is simply attempting a connection, is odd in of itself)
- PHPMyAdmin while able to edit portions of the database fails to dump even a small chunk of data, resulting in a 504 Gateway Time-out error.
- SSH doesn't allow any connections ("You do not have permission to login interactively to this host")

A possible issue could be, since your host uses a separate database server vs hosting it locally, there could be some sort of issue with the bridge between servers, the database server could be having problems, or some unknown variable is at play.

I'm not really sure how to proceed on obtaining a backup at this point if the host is unresponsive... But with the SQL server acting the way it is, I'd be very worried about the completeness of your data; if it is an issue with the SQL server you could end up with a corrupted database.

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