Did anyone ever get this one figured out?

I am a user on a brand new 5.5.1 board on http://www.fishingwarehouse.co.uk/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?Cat= .

The board admin is out of ideas and short on time so suggested I pose the question here.

I can create a user account and log in once. Never again with that account.

IE6 and the problem started a weel or so ago on an XP Pro machine at home. Small network run by a LinkSys router/switch with DSL broadband.

Work was fine until today when it started the same behavior. IE6 again but 2K Pro and a totally different network arrangement.

I get various script errors depending on what I am trying to get the problem fixed. For instance, put in an account name and the "forgot my password" thing.

Help greatly appreciated. I am now up to 7 accounts and starting to get really confused. Plus it is a royal pain to figure out which posts are "really" new since my last logon.

Me = nvail@ctc.net at home or newt.vail@pmusa.com at work.

Board admin = Stephen Lane admin@fishingwarehouse.co.uk in case there is something he would need to check.

BTW - have tried all variations on cookie settings, security settings, and have done the "flush" thing for cookies and cache. Doesn't help.

Newt Vail