Myself I've had a great amount of work with MySQL and PHP (basically the systems that the "new product" will be using (same as threads)). When the new product is out and you upgrade it'll definately run faster (as PHP/MySQL tend to "zoom" along faster than flat files).

One thing that I know that InfoPop will do is cater to those who have been using UBB.Classic and UBB.Threads for years; as they've stated it'll be more like classic than threads in the UI sense of things.

The only real thing that most likely won't be "imported" are PM's and styles; but in large boards one tends to prune PM's every so often as the space consumed at times can be great (as for styles just take and backup your color scheme from the "styles" page and then input them into the new system).

What type of issues are you awaiting? it'd be best to address them one after another... As the "new product" won't be Threads or Classic it's kind of a "start of a new" matter.

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