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#263542 03/01/2020 6:04 PM
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UBB.threads Developer
UBB.threads Developer
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UBB.threads 7.7.4 has been released and is now available to download in the Member Area.

TOC / Overview
UBB.threads 7.7.4 Changelog
Upgrading To The Current Version of UBB.threads 7
What To Do Next? / Discussion

UBB.threads 7.7.4 Changelog
Version 7.7.4 includes several minor php 7.1+ and mysql 5.7+ code fixes, and It has been tested to be compatible with php 5.4 - php 7.4.

Primary Changes In This Release
  • Likes system with Likes summary pages for threads and users.
  • Major updates to the UBBT77 and UBBT77-Dark forum styles.
  • Post sharing menu for Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Email.
  • Quick Search within the navigation-bar.
  • Threaded Mode topic tree updates.
  • Fixed new private message indicator.
  • Updated Member Profile page.
  • Posts can now be unapproved.
  • New user registration issues fixed.
  • RSS feed time and formatting issues fixed.
  • New sticky Control Panel breadcrumbs bar.
  • Control Panel data column sorting and zebra striping.
  • Additional information in the Member Editor.
  • Style Editor updates and fixes.
  • Improved Cache Manager.
  • Improved Database Backup.
  • Content Rebuilder is now faster.
  • Transition tool for unicode support (Asian characters and Emojis).
  • Added more friendly url formatting (SEO) to the urls.
  • Updated several libraries and assets.
  • Cleanup of templates, CSS files, and UBB JavaScript files.
  • More bug squashing and layout updates.

Summary of Changes
[NEW] UBB.threads has been tested to be compatible with php 5.4 - php 7.4.
[NEW] Posts can now be Liked. Settings are available to set how many per 24hr period, if they can like their own posts, display who else has liked the post.
[NEW] Complete Like summary page is available per thread, posts, and for each user.
[NEW] Post Likes are removed when a member account is deleted.
[NEW] Post Share drop-down menu has been added to each post. This menu includes: Copy post link to clipboard, Email Post, Report Post, Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit. It is configurable through the Control Panel > General > Social/Sharing Settings.
[NEW] Posts from Ignored Users will now be completely hidden and replaced with a link to toggle its display, for if the blocking member chooses to view it.
[NEW] The Print Thread output has been completely rewritten.
[NEW] Users can toggle password visibility for login form input.
[NEW] New Member Registration emails now display additional information of stored Member IP addresses. Using the GEO-IP lookup API, the member's country and continent are displayed in addition to the their ISP and its general location, and if their connection type was mobile or broadband.
[NEW] Quick Search within the navigation-bar will now present a drop-down entry box for easier searching.
[NEW] Topic Tree for Threaded Mode display now marks the current post, and highlights any unapproved posted within the thread.
[NEW] Follow List Editor (Forums, Threads, Users) now have "Select All" and "Unselect All" buttons for easier management.
[NEW] Posts can now be Unapproved. This is useful for when moderators want to put a post "on hold" without pausing the entire thread for everyone.
[NEW] Unapproved posts are now preceded with a notice of the post status and a link to the "CP:Approve Posts" list page. A moderator may optionally choose to edit the individual post to approve it from that page also.
[NEW] Custom Islands are now each wrapped in their own custom div ID which is based on their island number in the CP (ex: div id="island2" would target Custom Island #2. They can now easily be targeted through CSS as desired.
[NEW] Upgrader will now recommend that if you are using styles from an older UBB.threads install, you should replace them with their current version. An additional step can automatically add the new style versions to your forum for you. They will be installed but they will not be active until you activate them within the forum Control Panel. You may skip and continue to the next upgrade step, but it is recommended that you update your styles, fixing any display errors which were since corrected.
[NEW] CP: Top/Breadcrumb bar is now sticky to the top.
[NEW] CP: Breadcrumbs presentation has been updated to include a link to your forum and link to your main site.
[NEW] CP: Member Editor now displays additional information of stored Member IP addresses. Using the GEO-IP lookup API, the member's country and continent are displayed in addition to the their ISP and its general location, and if their connection type was mobile or broadband.
[NEW] CP: Approving and Unapproving posts are logged to the Admin Log.
[NEW] CP: Post Likes Settings have been added (Control Panel > General), ie; Enable/Disable, Display Total and Member Names, How Many Names To Display, Allow Self-Likes, Display Only Active Members on Summary, Max Likes Per 24hrs. The defaults for each configuration item are also shown.
[NEW] CP: New Portal Islands are available, "Top Likes" and "Top Likes (30 Days)."
[NEW] CP: New Portal setting, "Total Members To Show In Top Likes."
[NEW] CP: Content Rebuilder now also rebuilds Post Like Counts for when you want all user like counts to reflect their current number of likes, and not how many they have ever liked. This is relevant for when liked posts are deleted/purged.
[NEW] CP: Content Rebuilder can now help transition your forum tables for full unicode support (utf8mb4) which will allow for Asian characters and Emojis to be used. 4-Byte UTF-8 Unicode requires MySQL 5.5.3 or above. It is highly recommend to create a database backup as the process cannot be undone.
[NEW] Added Clipboard library version 2.0.6.

[UPDATE] Member Profile page has been updated to clean up and improve its data presentation.
[UPDATE] Show/Hide Column(s) toggle has been moved to the Navigation Bar.
[UPDATE] Forum Help (FAQ) has been moved to the Footer bar.
[UPDATE] Forum search has been moved to the navigation-bar top-right.
[UPDATE] Show/Hide Columns has been moved to the navigation-bar top-right.
[UPDATE] Post Buttons for "Email Post" and "Report Post" have been moved to the Post Share drop-down menu. This creates addition space for the "Like" button and improves display on thin displays, such as smaller smart phones in portrait layout.
[UPDATE] "Search Engine Agents" is now "Robots (Crawlers)." The updated terminology also helps to cover web robots used for marketing, webpage screenshots, site monitors, feed generators, link checkers, web scrapers, misc tools, page speed tests, and vulnerability/virus checkers, in addition to the expected search engines.
[UPDATE] Mailer has had several language strings updated and corrected.
[UPDATE] RSS feeds for single forums and multi-forum bundles have been updated.
[UPDATE] Gallery Islands now display the gallery title and gallery author with the image thumbnail.
[UPDATE] Moved the left/body/right columns out of HTML tables and in to DIV containers.
[UPDATE] Add more browser window information to debug info in footer.
[UPDATE] Multiple updates to common.css to further correct (reset) and define common display ground rules across the major browsers.
[UPDATE] CP: Columns within the Style List, Member Searches, Subscription Transaction List, Portal Island Column Layout, Referer Log, Admin Log are now zebra-striped, have hover-over row highlighting, and columns are now sortable.
[UPDATE] CP: "Enable Spider-friendly URLs" is now "Enable Friendly URLs" because this function generates URLs that are easy to read and include words that describe the content of the webpage, which is useful to readers beyond web spiders.
[UPDATE] CP: General Settings now displays relevant general forum information together. Items were moved from the Primary Settings page to here.
[UPDATE] CP: Cache Manager will now also: update post view counters, purge pointers to moved topics that have expired, purge inactive users from who's online table, and purge expired bans.
[UPDATE] CP: Database Backup has been updated to utilize MySQL's escape function to pre-epend backslashes where needed. Using the data provider's escape function instead of addslashes() takes into account the character set used by the current connection to the database rather than PHP's.
[UPDATE] CP: Database Backup can now analyze and optimize tables as part of the backup task.
[UPDATE] CP: Database Information and Backup will now only work with tables which use the forum's configured database prefix (ex; ubbt_)
[UPDATE] CP: Content Rebuilder data blob limits have been increased to account for modern web server specifications running PHP 5.4+. This should further reduce the time needed for processing any of the rebuild actions.
[UPDATE] CP: Textarea entries, including Style Editor entries, will now have whitespace, tabs, new lines trimmed from their beginning and ends.
[UPDATE] CP: Member Manager saved queries will now have a default name if none was given to them during their creation.
[UPDATE] CP: The layout of Add New Forum & Edit Forum have been updated and now match each other.
[UPDATE] CP: Adding a new forum will now have default values populated for it.
[UPDATE] CP: Removed "Features > Max Width For Images Used In Posts" because the setting is obsolete. Since version 7.6.0, UBB.threads uses responsive layout based on the user's browser display width.
[UPDATE] CP: The display of more SQL queries (when debugging in enabled) has been added to more pages.
[UPDATE] Updated FontAwesome library from 5.10.0-11 to version 5.12.1.
[UPDATE] Updated Smarty library from 3.1.33 to version 3.1.34
[UPDATE] Updated TinyMCE from 5.0.12 to version 5.2.0.
[UPDATE] Many SQL queries within the PHP script files have been reformatted to be consistent with a modern standard. During this process, several queries were optimized and updated to support new stricter SQL versions and engine settings.
[UPDATE] Cleanup of several language strings, templates, CSS files, and all cache builder scripts.

[FIX] Long user names will now be wrapped if a space is not found within the name to wrap at.
[FIX] Category Titles now display within the breadcrumbs. This is in addition to the Forum Titles which are already displayed.
[FIX] Topic Tree for Threaded Mode display on mobile devices is fixed
[FIX] Creating a moved/merged pointer message when moving/merging threads no longer creates a bad URL pointer to its new location. (Thanks to Baldeagle for reporting this bug.)
[FIX] Custom Island Inserts appearing twice in Gallery Forums is fixed. (Thanks to ECNet for reporting this bug.)
[FIX] New User Registration "ICQ issue" where Twitter was configured as a required field would fail to add the new registration.
[FIX] Time formats used in RSS feeds now use proper ISO-8601 format rather than a timezone abbreviation.
[FIX] User posts/messages and subjects now have whitespaces (spaces, tabs, extra lines) stripped from their beginning and end.
[FIX] Additional (undesirable) trailing line breaks are now removed from post quotes, spoilers, lists, etc. Optionally; rebuild your Posts, Signatures, and Private Messages with the Content Rebuilder, to update your older posts.
[FIX] Many forum generated URLs have been updated to correctly use Friendly URLs, when enabled.
[FIX] CP: Style Editor preview now updates with the CSS from within the Extra Properties section.
[FIX] CP: Style Wrapper Editor is now fixed. You can now add, delete, and edit wrappers. The wrapper preview will also remember the current style being used within the wrapper preview. Creating a new wrapper will pre-populate the editor with default opening/closing HTML.
[FIX] CP: General Display > Maximum Table Width For All Screens issues fixed.
[FIX] CP: Member Manager saved queries which include Member Groups are now fixed. (Thanks to Ruben for reporting this bug.)
[FIX] CP: Subscription Transaction status will now display "NONE" if the item does not have a default status. (Thanks to Ruben for reporting this bug.)
[FIX] CP: Dashboard fixes to correct the display of long server information items.
[FIX] CP: Adding New Forums. New forums will now correctly save selected style you've chosen for them.
[FIX] CP: Approve Posts. Clicking on the post title now takes you directly to the post requiring approval.
[FIX] CP: Fix language string substitutions from within the language files which would get lost when using the language editor. (Thanks to Ruben for reporting this bug.)
[FIX] CP: Fixed the long standing bug of the Whos Online list being empty when an additional new line (blank line) was added to the end of the Robots/Crawlers (Search Engines) list.
[FIX] CP: (PHP 7.1+) Sending an exported result list of member email addresses has been fixed. (Thanks to Ruben for reporting this bug.)
[FIX] Fixed the installer/upgrader to create a proper "extra_css" section.
[FIX] Fixed New Private Message indicator flashing when there were no new private messages to read.
[FIX] Several minor HTML fixes throughout the templates.
[FIX] Several minor php 7.1+ and mysql 5.7+ code fixes.

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Upgrading To The Current Version of UBB.threads 7
The upgrade path from UBB.threads version 7.5.6 continues to be to move to the most recent version of UBB.threads as they become available; such as 7.5.6 -> 7.7.4. There is no need to do an incremental update from 7.5.6 to 7.6.0 to 7.7.0 to 7.7.4...etc. You should update directly, to the most recent version of UBB.threads. This procedure is compatible with any version greater or equal to 7.5.6. For an older version, ask for help on the Community Support Forums.

Please do check UBB.threads current Requirements. Especially if your PHP/MySQL configuration is NOT sufficient, do not go further as the upgrade process will fail.

For routine incremental upgrades, refer to the UBB.threads 7 Upgrade Guide for directions on how to proceed.

[Linked Image]

If you are upgrading from a version older than the last version, review any special instructions listed within the Upgrade Instructions (/install/UPGRADE_INSTRUCTIONS.txt), from each version just above the version you are coming from. Normally there are no special instructions or they may explain a new feature for you to configure.

Special Upgrade Instructions for 7.7.4
No Special Upgrade Instructions for upgrading from 7.7.3 to 7.7.4

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What To Do Next?

Now go update your forums.

If you have already updated, leave a comment reply here. Your comments help us know if you found something that needs to be fixed, or what new features you like the most.

Happy UBBTing! grin

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
current release: UBB.threads 8.0.0 // wip: UBB.threads 8.1.0
isaac @ // my forum @
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Isaac, I just upgraded to 7.7.4

I did not upgrade the styles as I had done that a week back when I imported all the update styles UBBT70-77
Hopefully you have not updated UBBT77 the last week.

Everything seems sofar to work fine.
Have one minor question?

We can now like Threads down to the left on the page beside the Tweet and Share buttons
We can also like individual posts

I have found out to use the top likes in portal page and to click on the link to see Like Summary, here is mine

Now I wonder what happens with the thread "Like" how do I see the result of that?

If a specific post was interesting or useful to you, we recommend that you Like that post. It tells the post author, and others, that you found the information valuable. Clicking Like is another way to let others know that you enjoy it without leaving a comment.

I found that I clicked on like a post button and then it does not show up cause I probably missed to "confirm" the like by clicking another time on a like button that pops up above the post. To me it seems unnatural to have to confirm a like click.

Last edited by Morgan; 03/09/2020 7:38 AM.

Morgan Johansson
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feedback It seems that I can like my own thread but not my own post, the feature in CP is not ticked

Morgan Johansson
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Originally Posted by Morgan
We can now like Threads down to the left on the page beside the Tweet and Share buttons
We can also like individual posts

I have found out to use the top likes in portal page and to click on the link to see Like Summary, here is mine

Now I wonder what happens with the thread "Like" how do I see the result of that?
The Like/Share buttons above the Quick Reply box are Facebook buttons; these are not involved at all in the calculation of the likes feature, which is a compilation of data in your ubbt_likes table.

You can "like" your own thread as it is attributing an activity to your Facebook account; whereas an admin must allow users to like their own content as it'll provide local statistics for liked content (and users liking their own content could skew any stats).

I am a Web Development Contractor, I do not work for UBBCentral. I have provided free User to User Support since the beginning of these support forums.
Do you need Forum Install or Upgrade Services?
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Thanks Gizmo that explains it.
I have only this feedback now
I found that I clicked on like a post button and then it does not show up cause I probably missed to "confirm" the like by clicking another time on a like button that pops up above the post. To me it seems unnatural to have to confirm a like click.
otherwise I like it a lot wink

Last edited by Morgan; 03/09/2020 12:15 PM.

Morgan Johansson
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The confirmation page is also the unlike this post page.

I am a Web Development Contractor, I do not work for UBBCentral. I have provided free User to User Support since the beginning of these support forums.
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I see Gizmo, I liked and unlike your post right now and had to confirm each time, forgive me but I believe it’s one step to much.

You don’t do that on other social media and maybe we could compare it with changing Styles at the bottom
When you change it you simply chose from the menu then it changes by itself you don’t have to confirm it by clicking on a button.

Hope you see my point and I hope I’m explaining correctly.

Ps we have lots of older members and they appreciate simplicity. Me being used to computers missed to verify only because I was in a hurry or didn’t notice the confirmation button

Last edited by Morgan; 03/09/2020 12:31 PM.

Morgan Johansson
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Not everyone uses Facebook. Especially in an attempt to retain web browsing privacy, some people choose to never deal with Facebook, and will use privacy tools to avoid them.

A short list of examples:
AdBlock, PrivacyBadger/EFF, DuckDuckGo PE, Facebook Container. Blocking third-party cookies, workplace/school networks/or at the OS's hosts level.

Forums which are private will be able to take advantage of the UBB.threads Like system without giving up the their user's browsing history privacy to an untold number of third-parties. Facebook is a company which uses a different privacy policy than your own forums. As a forum owner, you should give thought before enabling third-party Like/Tweet systems.

UBB.threads offers general settings for:
  • Post Like Settings - to configure how you want to enable the UBBT Like System within your forums.
  • Social/Sharing Settings - to configure social networking features which shares your content with third-parties social networking websites.

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
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I fully see your point and understand it. I Intended only to give feedback about having to confirm the like by finding and click one extra time.

Thanks for the 7.7.4 I do appreciate all the work you guys put into it

Morgan Johansson
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Maybe I don't understand what this new tool was supposed to do.
Prior to upgrading
I am set for utf8 in the language file and complete and the database is set at utf8_general_ci
But emojis don't work.

I upgraded to 7.7.4 today and in re builders I find.
Update All Tables to UTF8mb4
Configuration settings indicate that you have aleady completed this action.

So I can't run the tool because it is disabled.
And emojis give me most times a
One emoji saved in black and white

Using the win key

One other note when attempting to search the language files for the typo for aleady in the control panel I get:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting end of file in /home4/mysite/public_html/ub/languages/english/faq.php on line 46

But I did find it manually in languages/english/admin/rebuildcontent.php

Blue Man Group
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Originally Posted by Ruben
Maybe I don't understand what this new tool was supposed to do.
Prior to upgrading
I am set for utf8 in the language file and complete and the database is set at utf8_general_ci
But emojis don't work.

I upgraded to 7.7.4 today and in re builders I find.
Update All Tables to UTF8mb4
Configuration settings indicate that you have aleady completed this action.

So I can't run the tool because it is disabled.

This feature is based on if you have the following setting enabled or not.
Control Panel > Paths & Database > Database

[Linked Image]

When you have it enabled, you have indicated that you've already transitioned your tables collations to utf8mb4 (eg. utf8mb4_general_ci), and thus, the transitioning tool is no longer needed. The message in the transitioning tool states the same.

Visit: Control Panel > Database Tools > Information
View the Collation column.
If the items within that column are not utf8mb4_general_ci, you need to:
1/ Disable (uncheck) the above setting.
2/ Run the transitioning tool.
3/ Follow the link at the bottom of the tool at completion which tells you to enable the setting you prematurely set.


Originally Posted by Ruben
One other note when attempting to search the language files for the typo for aleady in the control panel I get:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting end of file in /home4/mysite/public_html/ub/languages/english/faq.php on line 46

But I did find it manually in languages/english/admin/rebuildcontent.php

That looks like it could be related to these from 2018.

Originally Posted by isaac
It looks like your languages/english/faq.php file was not created successfully upon upgrade.

The solution is to copy the faq.php file (mentioned above) from your archive, in to the same directory path on your forum install.

YOURDOMAIN dot com/ ... /languages/english/faq.php

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
current release: UBB.threads 8.0.0 // wip: UBB.threads 8.1.0
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Language file upload eazy peasy and fixed.

I did not know about the the other setting in Paths & Database
I will give that a try

But it was preset from the upgrade.

I went straight to rebuilders after the upgrade.

Blue Man Group
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Perfect it worked fine once I knew about the primary setting in the database section.

Blue Man Group
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Purring like a kitty cat.
On to the next site.
Thanks again.

Blue Man Group
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Originally Posted by Ruben
Purring like a kitty cat.
On to the next site.
Thanks again.

Excellent news! Thanks for your quick followup

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7.7.4 feedback, on my BritBike forum and when clicking "Forum Help" I can't see
any ideas?

Morgan Johansson
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Originally Posted by Morgan
7.7.4 feedback, on my BritBike forum and when clicking "Forum Help" I can't see
any ideas?

From the post discussion in this thread, just above your post:

That looks like it could be related to these from 2018.

Originally Posted by isaac
It looks like your languages/english/faq.php file was not created successfully upon upgrade.

The solution is to copy the faq.php file (mentioned above) from your archive, in to the same directory path on your forum install.

YOURDOMAIN dot com/ ... /languages/english/faq.php

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
current release: UBB.threads 8.0.0 // wip: UBB.threads 8.1.0
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Uploaded the faq.php and it helped, thanks!

Morgan Johansson
BritBike Forum
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About Update All Tables to UTF8mb4
I have found that my mysql is set to "latin1_swedish_ci"
Have not dared yet to change it to utf8mb4_general_ci

1/ Disable (uncheck) the above setting.>>> it is already disabled
2/ Run the transitioning tool. >>> Have not found out where the transition tool is or how to run it
3/ Follow the link at the bottom of the tool at completion which tells you to enable the setting you prematurely set. >>> Have not found out where the transition tool is or how to run it

When I have more time soon I will look into it. Should I address it here or in a HOW do I topic elswhere.


Last edited by Morgan; 03/13/2020 5:02 AM.

Morgan Johansson
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Control Panel > Content Rebuilder > Transition Actions

The UTF8mb4 Transitioning Tool is located within the bottom section, just under the HTTP to HTTPS Transition Tool.

Update All Tables to UTF8mb4
Update database table collations to 4-Byte UTF-8 unicode language encoding (eg. utf8mb4_general_ci). 4-Byte UTF-8 Support requires MySQL 5.5.3 or above. Depending on the size of your forum and tables, this process may take a long time to complete.
Note: It is highly recommend to create a database backup as this process cannot be undone.

current developer of UBB.threads php forum software
current release: UBB.threads 8.0.0 // wip: UBB.threads 8.1.0
isaac @ // my forum @
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I found it Isaac,

When I decide to do it would this be the correct procedure?

FYI my database is
MySQL Version: 5.6.45, MySQL Database Size: 1.25 GB about 700.000 posts,
do you see any problems using the transitions tool for a database of this size???

1, Close board
2, Backup database
3, wait for how long so all database table closes?
4, Control Panel > Content Rebuilder > Transition Actions, click on Update All Tables to utf8mb4_general_ci
5, Confirm that table collations are utf8mb4 (eg. utf8mb4_general_ci) before enabling.
6, Go to Control Panel > Paths & Database >database > enable MySQL Full Unicode Support (utf8mb4)
7, open board

Last edited by Morgan; 03/13/2020 8:14 AM.

Morgan Johansson
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Following the recommendation in the item's description, make a backup of your database

1/ Run the transitioning tool.
This will close your forum for you while the tool is running.
When it is done, it will re-open your forum.
2/ Upon completion, follow the page link at the bottom of the page which tells you to now enable the "MySQL Full Unicode Support" setting.

The time that the transitioning tool takes for processing is based on many factors that i would have zero way of being able to answer for you. Once it is started, it will display items as it progresses through them. The item which will take the longest is the posts table. you'll know when you get to it because the page will continue working - the display will look paused, but its still working. When done, it will tell you its done. I've run the tool on a 2.5gb DB in under 5 minutes, and then rerun it on a restored backup for a completion time of under 10 minutes. But that was a shared WINNT machine with MariaDB 10.4. The tool changes your table's collation. It does not change your data. But a backup is always advisable when you work on your entire database.

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Thank you for taking time to explaing how it works.
I'll probably do it tomorrow now I'm heading no to drive a Zamboni Ice resurfer for 8 hours.
Don't ask what your local community can do for you..ask what you can do for them and they might hit you with a Zamboni.
Does it makes a man to look cooler..?

Last edited by Morgan; 03/13/2020 8:48 AM.

Morgan Johansson
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California is on the eve of lockdown (coronavirus)

Have fun and stay safe outside thumbsup

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Looks like the virus stroke us too so I'm home again
I closed the forum
backed up database
Content Rebuilder > Transition Actions, click on Update All Tables to utf8mb4_general_ci
collation tables are the new
however the page not green ok's but not the last chunk uf paypal texts andthere is no instruktion below how to proceed
but when I open a new browser window it seems to have open the board

I have not yet dared to enable eg. utf8mb4_general_ci in Control Panel Paths & Database
however when I click on
Confirm that your table collations are utf8mb4 (eg. utf8mb4_general_ci) before enabling.

all tables say utf8mb4_general_ci

so do you think its safe to enable the MySQL Full Unicode Support (utf8mb4) ?

Morgan Johansson
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it looks like it does not finish the paypal_data table, it does not tic it ok with a green emoji and nothing after that.

however all tables seems to be changed in database tools section I have another window open.

Last edited by Morgan; 03/13/2020 11:34 AM.

Morgan Johansson
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For me here is a test to try:
Create a post or reply.
In the message body add a emoji via:

WINKEY + . Meaning press the windows key and dot at the same time
A popup will appear with windows emoji list

and select some save the post and see if they work.

Last edited by Ruben; 03/13/2020 11:45 AM.

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it does not work


first I had not enabled the box for MySQL Full Unicode Support (utf8mb4)

when I did that I only saw three forums and could not enter those

oh I have safari Apple sp windows key... I don't follow sorry

Morgan Johansson
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I have clicked once again to start the transitioning tool but it appears to stop during the paypal conversion

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Am I supposed to be worried
Databas was 1,25 GB is now 1,09GB

Morgan Johansson
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Originally Posted by Morgan
it does not work


first I had not enabled the box for MySQL Full Unicode Support (utf8mb4)

when I did that I only saw three forums and could not enter those

oh I have safari Apple sp windows key... I don't follow sorry
I think it is done I tried a test post at your site and 4byte emoji's work.

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Your site works for me.
Originally Posted by Morgan
Am I supposed to be worried
Databas was 1,25 GB is now 1,09GB

I did not look at the screen in that detail.While it updated to utfmb4.
But it probably ran a repair or optimize which would (defrag the database)

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I cannot enable the utf8mb4_general_ci in Control Panel Paths & Database if I do nothing works..

It was a very long time since I optimized the database 😱

Last edited by Morgan; 03/13/2020 4:28 PM.

Morgan Johansson
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On my 2nd site I had to edit phpini and set the max_execution_time = 120
max_input_time = 120
Because it was so big.
But it still took a while to get a result from the re builder page

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BTW isaac
All the email headers and footers seem to be working correctly now.
All footer and header info fully populated.

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Originally Posted by Ruben
On my 2nd site I had to edit phpini and set the max_execution_time = 120
max_input_time = 120
Because it was so big.
But it still took a while to get a result from the re builder page

My max_input_time is LOCAL 60 and Master Value 120
and same for max_execution_time


Last edited by Morgan; 03/13/2020 4:49 PM.

Morgan Johansson
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Originally Posted by Morgan
I cannot enable the utf8mb4_general_ci in Control Panel Paths & Database if I do nothing works..

It was a very long time since I optimized the database 😱
Maybe it is a cookie /cache issue.
I test posted your site and it accepts 4byte unicode emojies now.

We posted on top of each other
when in the re builders screen and you click on utf8mb4 there is no progress bar ,you just need to wait till you get a confirmation screen.
It is a large screen with a lot of scrolling.
To get to the bottom with the clickable links.
If you get a error or no confirmation maybe you need to nudge your php script time up a bit.
Like from 60seconds to 120
I had to do that on my second site which is a slightly large forum

But I would change it back to default afterwards.

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Ruben, I otimized the last posts table in PHPMyAdmin as it timed out here.
I notice that emoji symbols don't work when I enable foull mysql support it looks like this 🎯 🎖🏅🙏 ✌️👀
but when disabled it shows emojis

Morgan Johansson
BritBike Forum
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