If you will not open a ticket, I can not investigate the circumstances that are causing the problem.

If I can not investigate the circumstances that are causing the problem, I can not fix the problem.

Tickets are entered over an SSL connection - there is no chance of someone hijacking your login information, if that is a concern.

We can even call you to get the login information, and keep it totally out of the system, if you'd prefer. Normally we don't do this - but if this is a bug, then I want it fixed. We're already going to have to do a, so if there's anything else that needs fixing, we need to know now.

If you still refuse to open a ticket, then I'll have no choice but to call this NOTABUG, unless anyone else can repliate the problem.

Charles Capps
UBB.classic™ Developer
Having problems? Open up a support ticket!