Not to sound like a broken record, but I understand everyone is a bit frustrated on this. This wasn't handled well at all. Documentation shouldn't take that long but unfortunately this isn't the only thing on their plate either.

The beta was ready to go as far as the coding pretty much when we had posted. The documenation totally slipped my mind. So, those writing the documentation had to play catchup, do a few installations, setup forums, etc to know how everything worked to start writing the docs.

I know it's hard to do, but trust me, this won't happen again. As we progress past version 7, we won't run into these delays. When I make a change to the program I'll be changing the docs at the same time. So when the code is ready the docs will be ready.

All of that said, I know that doesn't help those of you with deadlines. All I can do is apologize at this point as the docs for this version are out of my hands. As soon as I know a date or a general timeframe I'll let everyone know. I know they aren't that far off. Before the holiday I had the 1st draft that I read through to give my input on any changes that needed to be made, so they are close to being finished.