The main problem was one of timing. The normal document editor was out on vacation at the same time I realized that we needed to get the documentation done, so it's been slower to get this done.

One thing to take heart in, is this time isn't going to waste. It doens't make this release come to you any sooner, but one of the things I still had to do for the final of 7.0 was rewrite the upgrade utility. You know...the one that upgrades your language files, checks to make sure all of the proper scripts are in place, updates the database, etc.

Originally I thought I'd be doing this while it was in public beta but I've been able to work on this now, so it should be ready much sooner than I had expected.

Once that is done, I'll actually be making a new development branch and starting to work on some of the things I have in mind for 7.1, yes I already have 7.1 pretty much planned out wink. So once we get past this initial hurdle things should progress at a good pace.

I appreciate the fact that everyone is waiting for this and has been waiting for quite some time. My main priority is to make sure that it's worth everyone's wait. 7.0 will be a big step in the right direction in getting us caught up to what's currently available in the forum market. 7.1 will add a few of the missing pieces and introduce a couple things that will hopefully raise the bar a bit wink