I didn't disagree with you when you said Netscape was picky and doesn't do what you tell it.. I completely agree!

All I am saying is that IE fixes bad code..... People will write code, it's broken and sloppy.. it works fine on IE.. It doesn't work on Netscape.. They go off ranting and raving.. I go and say "Dude, you forgot to close like 10 tags and you for got a TD tag in this table.. etc.." Their first instinct is to blame Netscape..

Now as far is Netscape being picky.. That is completely true... IE is just as picky, just not as bad.. Netscape is picky about things you use more often..

When it comes to frames.. I think Netscape's is about 10px off from IE's.. or so.. atleast when I use to write framed sites a lot..

One thing you are wrong about is that just because Netscape gets things wrong, doesn't mean IE isn't for lazy coders lol.. If you don't test your site in Netscape I bet you a billion dollars I could go in and find a [censored] load of errors and missing tags that you would never even know about if you only use IE.... not only will it break netscape but it will break just about any other browser also.. except IE of course..

Both IE and NS have their flaws (as far as layouts go, NS has a [censored] load of them.. everything has to be PERFECT and then it doesn't work in IE)...... but IE is still bad....... and NS6 is a [censored] load better than either of them IMO... (or it's getting there anyway)

Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by PeelBoy on 10/19/00 08:29 PM.</EM></FONT>