My last point on this is..

Regardless of which browser is better, or which is going to be better..

A good develop will take all of that in to account and try to write the site as best he can, so that anybody can still view it.

I hardly ever find my self surfing the web anymore.. Why? Very few sites have the content I want, the frills are nice, but when it comes down to it.. I want to read something worth while.. Screw the cool stuff!! It's fun to write, and fun to look at the first time you do it, after that it's just old and annoying.. even these hover links.. I don't really care for them.. They are nice, but only because they aren't really all that "hardcore" of a feature.. it's nice and subtle(sp?) like links w/o underlines.. I can live with that..... When you get into hardcore CSS it starts to get annoying (and slow)..

Mozilla's site might be plain and boring, but atleast I can download the nightly build OR the latest milestone with 1 click, no searching.. it's right there...... if I want to read some info? it's right there........

Look at this forum... It's nice layout.. easy on the eyes.. but honestly.. there isn't a LOT to the layout.. it's not all that complex, not a lot of images or frames or what not.. just some nice tables and a LOT of content.... I love it!! I can spend my time on this forum and NOT get annoyed like I do when I surf Microsoft's crapy webpage...

If all we had was plain HTML 3.0, light JavaScript and server side programing.. I would be completely 100% happy.. because everything else is nice, but it's not something I consider required in order to injoy the web.. It's just stuff that is fun to write and play with..

If I am trying to buy something online and the page is written to be browser specific.. forget it.. I won't buy from them.. It's just plain annoying.. It's not needed.. AT all.. period.. (for a shopping site)......... if it's somebodies personal site I might switch browsers to check it out, but that is all.. it's not like I will spend hours on that persons site because it is so great..

Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg