Does anyone have a Microsoft Mouse with a scroll wheel. (I have the Microsoft Intellipoint with Intellieye mouse can't buy em anywhere anymore, not even on the MS site cause MS discontinued them cause of "lack of profits". But from what I saw I could never seem to buy them ANYWHERE cause they were always sold out cause I wanted another one for my other machine. I think MS didn't complete that phrase.... "lack of profits for the Explorer mouse which is just a useless piece of $70 plastic.) Ok off that rant.... on to the one that this post was suppose to be about... Anyway, if you try and scroll the wheel sometimes in NS while it's rendering/downloading the HTML you can screw up the whole rendering of the site. It's really werid. Happens to me a bunch on all sorts of sites. Including Netscape's own. Refresh the page and don't touch the mouse and the page works fine. This problem doesn't happen in IE.