One thing I have learned about writing HTML.. is that if you write it sooooooo specific like that.. the site probably ends up sucking anyway.. Don't you ever get sick of sites that line up 10 images perfectly to make a neat picture? uhh yeah like the first time you see it? and how about the little curves at the ends of tables? or pictures in frames? they serve no real purpose anyway other than they look cool, but it's not like it brings 100,000 visitors to your site every day..... most of the popular sites are pretty much written using tables (which work FINE in both IE and NS. Period) and very few GFX.. they load fast, look nice and clean, have more room for content, and work in any friggen browser..... When I stopped trying to put too much worthless effort in my sites and focus more on making them clean, easy to navigate and not browser specific.. is the day I stopped noticing all of the differences between how IE handles a tag and NS.. (ok well I still notice, but neither are broken, they just treat things different.. I think frames is one of the bigger problems in NS, and who cares? I hate them anyway)

No matter - WHAT - I have always managed to get sites looking right in both browsers.. it takes some tricks and what not, but you can do it..

And in the end? If my site works in Netscape (as in clean code, not layout wise) it works in just about any damn browser.. Netscape does not like to fix those damn broken table tags for ya like IE does...

Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg